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Selfcest launched as Screw Yourself Discussion: From YKTTW

Working Title: Selfcest: From YKTTW

Tulling: Removed the following: "* The porno actor Ron Jeremy was famous for being able to perform oral sex upon himself. " because it is not a example of the trope, but merely describes an unusual form of masturbation.

Twin Bird: Removed the self-pollination example on the same principle. Also, where is that picture from?

Andrusi: It's from Yes! Precure 5. The scene in question is not actually an example of this trope (at least I hope it's not—there was a fade to black), but it conveys the idea well without being, you know, a picture of people having sex.

Darmok: Removed "** While that particular attempt didn't go right, he must have succeeded at some point, as the world is eventually populated with... him." from the Red Dwarf entry because the entire planet was populated by clones. Rimmer, being a hologram and having no organic makeup, cannot have children this way.

Cassius335: Weren't the clones organic, though?

Rann: Yeah, that was one of the whole points of Rimmer winding up the Butt-Monkey yet again. The first time he tried to create a clone, he accidentally created an exact one, fully male. The second time, he got it right... and she promptly ran off with the first one.

J Bridge: I remember a friend of mine had pondered about this trope and asked me if it counts as masturbation. Yeah. He's nuts.

Yes, it's been a while since I read the book but, RE: The Time-Traveler's Wife example. I... THINK I would have remembered that...

  • Narvi: Your memory is bad. Definitely happened.

I added an appropriate quote that I came across some time ago in an Asimov book — Captain Crowbar

Micah: Removed some examples that belong only on Twin Threesome Fantasy, not here (it doesn't make sense to list them here unless there's at least some sexual tension between the duplicates rather than it all being in the mind of a third party):

  • Similarly, when there were two Xanders, his girlfriend Anya made a remark about how she would have wanted to have a threesome with both Xanders.
    • It finally happened in "Journey's End". Presented with the Doctor, a clone Doctor, and a Donna Noble endowed with the powers of the Doctor, Jack Harkness immediately admits that he's having bad thoughts.

L Guardinal: Please, please someone tell me that someone proposed naming this trope "Jesus Fucking Christ" in the YKTTW stage.

Cassius335: *snicker*.

Cassius335: @Oot S Fan...

"This trope does not apply to a character literally having sex with one's self in some way." may wish to rethink the wording.

Tyrfing: This entry:

Doesn't actually explain anything.

Nornagest: Cut —

*** This troper has performed autofellatio.

Too Much Information indeed, but it also isn't an example of the trope.

Inkblot: Does anyone else think that "Love Thyself" would be a better name for this trope?

Grr: It sounds a bit too... deep, for some reason. Perhaps it sounds like one of those "finding your inner self" tropes...[drifts off] Hu-wha-? Where was I? Oh! Also, the current name sounds a bit more catchy and puntastic than that. Could be a good Alt title, though.

Caswin: I must not have been watching the same show as whoever added the Justice League Unlimited example, because I don't remember Supergirl and Galatea's violent hatred for one another (mixed with occasional references to being "family") translating into Les Yay, let alone vulgar amounts of it.

This troper and an LJ friend once discussed whether Spirit!Martin/Matthias would be Selfcest, given that the latter is the reincarnation of the former.

[1] This troper believes it would be nice to add yet another name to the phenomnenon: Self Yay.
