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Archived Discussion Main / ScarilyCompetentTracker

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Expert Tracker: From YKTTW

Scorpio3002: How is The CSI Effect related to this trope? Further clarification is needed to relate a trope which, to my eyes, has no relation to this one, and was listed due to one editor not understanding what The CSI Effect actually was.

Shouldn't the The Lord of the Rings example be under litterature? It was a book first after all.

  • Ghilz: The book doesn't follow the trope as closely: Aragorn's tracking abilities are more realistic, and he repeatedly mentions their limits (being unwilling to track the Uruks by night for fear of loosing the trail) where as the movie Aragorn almost operates on magic...
I think the list of things trackable should be changed; weight is based on the depth of the footprints, an irregular pace (ie a limp) would suggest injury...
