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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Reverse Brother Chuck: From YKTTW

Cy: Is this just a TV show thing or can other media count as well? Comic books have been known to do this, such as with DC's Triumph and Marvel's Sentry, both of whom were new characters retconned in as founding members of their company's respective big-name teams, but saved the world in such a way that removed everyone's memory of them. This was also lampshaded with the character of Buddy in Final Fantasy X-2.

Ross N: Oh it definitely features in comics, novels and computer games. Arguably film series too, though since we spend so little time with the characters that is a bit different (not mentioning a sister in a two hour movie is much more excusable than not mentioning hher in three years worth of a television show).

====Pre-existing characters====

What is it when an established character has always been involved with the main character in ways we never see until a series of flashbacks shows what really happened from that person's perspective?

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