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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

INH: Sylar didn't unfreeze time. Hiro had never killed anyone before and he lost his nerve. You'd think that that was made clear enough by the next few episodes.

Haven: I'm not sure if Runaways counts as an example...since it occurs in their own series, I think those examples would count as straight-up Worf Effects.

Chuckg: The intro to the Batman section might be a little overdone. There are Batman fans who will concede that prep time has some limits.

Chungxing: Just expressing my opinion here, but I think it's kind of cool that unpowered characters like Cap can beat guys like Spider-Man. I'm sure it is all about popularity, but maybe it implies that normal humans are in fact a whole lot stronger than most people realize, at least within the respective universes.

Earnest: Moving this here to avoid natter and flame raining from the sky.
Barack Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize just 9 months into his term. He has yet to accomplish anything to justify this.

Morgan Wick: Cut the following Conversation In The Main Page - can someone add it back while cleaning up the natter?
  • Space Marines are the most popular army in Warhammer40K, thus they often get toys that other armies simply can't match - even when, canonically, those other armies should have access to exactly the same equipment. Or, worse, when their versions should be better. Anyone want to explain why Space Marine Librarians are better than Chaos Sorcerors dedicated to Tzeentch? Or why Renegades don't have access to any Space Marine equipment - like, say, storm bolters? Popularity Power.
    • In order: 1a) Tzeentch is, like all of the Chaos Gods, infamous for being an ungrateful dick of a boss who fucks over his own people at will whenever it benefits or even just amuses him 1b) Any Space Marine psyker not tough enough to whup ass on your average Chaos Sorcerer doesn't live long enough to become a Librarian (note that there are enormously fewer Librarians total than there are sorcerous Tzeentch worshippers in the galaxy at large) 2) Space Marines do not manufacture their own equipment, its made on the Forge Worlds by the Tech-Priests. Renegade Marines can't requisition new storm bolters or storm bolter ammo from the Imperial supply system, and have never learned more than basic maintenance rituals for their own weapons so they can't manufacture them themselves.
      • 1a) Tzeentch-dedicated Sorcerers are arguably the most powerful psykers in the galaxy, with their only true rivals being Eldar Farseers - and unlike the Farseers, their powers tend to be focussed on the battlefield. Good luck seeing that reflected in the game. 1b) A lot of Chapters tend to spend their time fighting xenos species rather than Chaos-aligned troops, so this really doesn't hold water. 2) Since when have storm bolters used different ammo to regular bolters? It's just a differently-shaped (and larger) magazine. Also, if you want to use that argument, they shouldn't have regular bolters either.
      • 1a) Sorcerers and Librarians are the same thing, Sorcerers are merely fallen Librarians. Also, most powerful psyker? Try the Emperor. 1b)Yes, fighting Xenos like Eldar and Tyranids, both powerful psyker races, and even Orks with their psychic hive mind deal. 2) Due to the rate of fire of a storm bolter, it would be impractical for an army short on supplies to use them. Furthermore, storm bolters are not all that common, so the lack amongst Renegade forces is not all that unbelievable.
      • 1a) According to the two most recent Chaos Codices, and the Thousand Sons Index Asartes, psysic powers and Sorcery are different things. Hell, the reason the Thousand Sons were delcared traitors and had the Space Wolves set on them was because Mangus the Red used sorcery to tell the Emperor that Horus was panning to betray him. Sorcery is also explicitly stated to be more powerful, albeit a hell of a lot riskier. 1b) As already stated, neither the 'Nids or the Eldar use their powers anywhere near as offensively. You're right about Storm Bolters, though. And Defilers make up for not having Landspeeders.
    • Another reason for the differences in equipment between loyal and traitor marines is that the Horus Heresy happened a really long time ago, tens of thousands of years. Chaos Marines use the equipment that was available at that time. While the 40k universe is fairly static, advancement, rediscoveries of old weapons, and doctrinal changes do occur.
      • The situation with the Traitor Legions doesn't account for Renegades that split of from the Imperium, say, half an hour ago. Who still don't get the Imperium's equipment. Nor does it explain why the Traitor Legions haven't figured out what "looting the battlefield" means.
      • Gameplay mechanics - if Renegades got to have gnarly summoned demons and the latest tech, many would cry foul.
