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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Harmless Destruction: From YKTTW

Vampire Buddha: Cut out a bit of natter

** From what This Troper remembers, Soul Society had been evacuated because of the intruders (Evacuated to where? Don't think about this one), and the buildings are made up of soul energy. Or something.
*** Besides, no one ever dies in Bleach anyway.
***Maybe because a good part of the cast is ALREADY DEAD?

arromdee: Cut:

  • Actually, breaking the debris up into smaller pieces would make them much more likely to burn up in the atmosphere, instead of having big piecwes slamming into the ground with the force of nuclear bombs.

If a piece of debris would hit the ground with the force of a nuclear bomb, breaking it into a cloud will produce a cloud that hits with the force of a nuclear bomb. The fact that the cloud hits the atmosphere instead of the ground won't save you; you'll just get a nuclear bomb sized explosion in the atmosphere. It will help if the cloud occupies a larger area than the single piece, but that isn't any good if you have a hail of pieces that already covers a large area and whose area won't be significantly increased by breaking the pieces up.

Peteman: Cut out some of the natter.
  • The trope is named after a theory that argues the destruction of the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi turned the Ewok homeworld into a smoking wasteland. Canonically, the Endor Holocaust did not happen.
    • Similarly, this editor shudders to think about what happened in the Battle of Coruscant. Having huge spaceships half a mile long or more shooting each other in the upper atmosphere can't be good for anyone under the losers.
    • Timothy Zahn actually makes this a major plot point in his Expanded Universe Thrawn Trilogy. the Noghri homeworld is severely polluted when debris from a space battle overhead leaks into their soil. Darth Vader buys their slavery by offering to help 'clean' the soil—from the genetically enginereed plants that are further polluting it.
    • "The explosion of the second death star never reached Endor - because Katarn said so. Even shock waves and radiation know not to *** with Katarn."
    • Lampshaded a little in a Star Wars Tales Comic book that talks of a Stormtrooper with post traumatic stress disorder due to the horror that were the Ewoks. He is telling the story to men at the pub and his final remark is that he is happy that at least the debris of the Death Star would destroy Endor. The man he is talking to replies that the Alliance shot the debris out of the Sky.
      • Shooting debris out of the sky gets you a cloud of bits that's as massive as, and dumps as much energy into the atmosphere as, the original debris; it wouldn't help at all. The only reason it even sounds plausible is Rule of Perception—the cloud of dust and gas is harder to see than the big piece, so we think of it as doing less damage. The only way it's even half-way plausible is to suggest that it deflects the debris in such a way as to escape the gravity of Endor, and to assume that the Alliance isn't already busy with the huge Imperial fleet it's fighting.
      • Except that maybe half the dust goes into orbit, and the rest burns up on reentry. Surface area counts.
      • The Imperial fleet ran away after the Death Star was destroyed. Remember, their entire upper leadership, both military and political, had just been wiped out in a single stroke, as had their most powerful weapons. Even though the Imperial fleet at Endor was still numerically superior, it degenerated into a disorganized rabble and many of the lesser commanders ran off the carve up their own little mini-Empires from the the soon-to-disintegrate Galactic Empire. Also, it was eventually retconned that most of the Death Star's mass was hurled into hyperspace when the exploding reactor overloaded its hyperdrive. Canonically, the Endor Holocaust concept is considered propaganda produced by the remnants of the Empire.

Bob: Good job.

Z: Lots of natter here, plus a fair bit of Complaining About Shows You Dont Like. I'm editing it down.

  • Alien Resurrection ends with the good guys destroying the aliens on the research ship by crashing it into Earth's surface. We get a view from space as it crashes into what appears to be the east coast of either Africa or India, producing an enormous explosion that realistically would undoubtedly have killed millions. Nobody comments on the fact that this explosion undoubtedly killed many more people than the aliens would probably ever have.
    • In all fairness, one of the main conceits of the Aliens series (at least pre-Alien vs. Predator) was that if the aliens got to Earth they could easily wipe out every human on the planet. A few million probably seems like a fair trade off next to that.
      • There was, in fact, an entire book series based on that very event occurring. Something like half a dozen aliens are spread across the planet, and within a year there are massive hives with thousands of aliens each, often located in sewers and such. The hives are shown to be growing exponentially, and as time goes on the intelligence of the queens continues to develop, until a captured queen has demonstrated an IQ equal to a human with Down's Syndrome (this when ALL the aliens in ALL the movies were dumber than rats, and couldn't use any real tactics). This gets even worse in a later book, when somebody has the bright idea to teach them how to use weapons.
      • Dumber than rats? Then how did they cut the power...
      • Same way rats do? "Hey something to chew on!" *bite* *Zap*.
    • The alternative ending shows Ripley and Call sitting in the ruins of Paris, so presumably the crashing spaceship destroyed civilisation Earth has already been destroyed or used up.
This has become...
  • Alien Resurrection ends with the good guys destroying the aliens on the research ship by crashing it into Earth's surface. We get a view from space as it crashes into what appears to be the east coast of either Africa or India, producing an enormous explosion that realistically would undoubtedly have killed millions... maybe more than a xenomorph infestation.
This could do with a little more humour and probably better phrasing.
Vampire Buddha: Since this had become one of those pages where there are more aversions than proper examples, I took my hatchet to it ( 16:27GMT, 3/5/2009)
    open/close all folders 
    What I removed 

BritBllt: Removed a whole bunch of argumentative Justifying Edits that, apart from being Justifying Edits, relied on speculation and seemed half-intended as Flame Bait. Also cut out a rather a odd line in Dragonball: "also hate to be that guy but the earth has two moons. The moon and corithne (or something like that.)" Sounds like a Justifying Edit, the odd self-referential phrasing makes it unsuitable anyway, and as far as I can tell, it's not true at all in Dragonball. The entry might be referring to Cruithne, a Near-Earth Asteroid discovered in the '90s that shares Earth's orbit, but it's not a moon (and not relevant to Dragonball anyway).

MattyDienhoff: Since this is not a proper example, but I really got a kick out of it, I'll mention this here: this trope was averted in the extreme in this hilarious animated music video, in which the Earth is being invaded by aliens, and John Wayne infiltrates the alien mothership and cripples it, only for it to crash into the Earth, blowing the entire planet to bits.
