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Archived Discussion Main / NinjaPirateZombieRobot

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Mr Etaoin Shrdlu: Wait, how are Nazis cool? I mean, they're cool when combined with other things, but on their own they really don't...

  • The Uncredible Hallq: Nazis may not quite be cool, but they've become cliche villains, meaning they fit into this trope in much the same way that pirates and ninjas do. Actually, the main difference between Nazis and pirates/ninjas is that it isn't acceptable to make cleaned-up, good-guy Nazis. Nazi equals cool minus glorification potential.

So Cool Combination launched as Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot Discussion: From YKTTW

Working Title: So Cool Combination: From YKTTW

Chatty DM: Would creating a Music Video Sub section and linking to thisbe appropriate for this trope? :)

Tangent 128: If it's cool, then yes.

Tangent 128: That much linking is exhausting... so who was writing this?

Robert Bingham: You provided the initial draft. Etrangere did the extensive linking.

Ununnilium: I can't figure out why the picture doesn't work. @@
Scrounge: Can't have zombie robots? Oh ye of little faith. There's always a way to pull these things off.
Citizen: I'm removing the FA example because—Bait-and-Switch Credits aside—the show was extremely boring, and the Nazi squids really didn't appear that much outside the very end.
Futakoi Alternative is best described as "one man and a pair of twins take on an alliance of genetically engineered half-human Nazi squids."

Etrangere: Moved the Wushu example to Rule of Cool where it belonged to.

HeartBurn Kid: Yanked TMNT from the Animation section, as it started as a comic book (and I had already put it there, not noticing that it was under animation already).
arromdee: I'm removing Doctor Who. The trouble with that example is that while all those things appeared, they appeared over a long run of the show, many of them only a few times. You could describe any sci-fi show this way if you list all the weird things in it in one sentence while not mentioning that that one sentence is grouping together a whole lot of separate stories; "Stargate: Ancient astronaut aliens, Grey aliens, parasitic snake aliens, energy aliens, nanotech aliens, *and* human aliens. And they've got King Arthur and the lost city of Atlantis too! Not to mention the show within a show (plotted by an alien with amnesia). Watch 21st century humans get their own starships, blow up suns, travel through time, go to other dimensions, and get replaced by robots and clones."
Air Of Mystery: Cool as everything here is, three things are permanently awesome: pirates, ninjas and dinosaurs. That is why Dr McNinja is so successful.
Shay Guy: For all its awesomeness, how exactly is TTGL an example of this? Even, say, the battleship disguised as a moon which turns into a mecha is stretching it.
HeartBurn Kid: Replaced the Blackhawk image, because 1, it's hotlinked, and 2, another troper found something so much more awesome.
Fast Eddie: Pulled out another hotlinked picture.

Meta4: That pic was awesome. There. Now it's not hotlinked.

Rutee: Exalted Fangirl, adding in the best review of it I know of.

Any idea why Never Accepted in His Home Town's next in category link goes here instead of to Never Tell Me the Odds!?

Your Obedient Serpent must confess that one of his oldest Dungeons And Dragons character (c. 1978) can accurately be described as a "Gypsy Wizard Pirate Dinosaur. From SPACE."

Peteman: Moved

  • Sort of subverted in the Original Transformers series. The writers knew that they weren't going to get away with having humans use real guns, so Chip and leading industrialists are show in a short montage "developing weapons for humanity to combat the Decepticon threat" or some such line. From that point forward, even private security guards had lasers.

to Where Did They Get Lasers?

L: I suppose the only way to parody this trope would be to combine things that are not that cool? Like... Vicar Caveman Hobo Accountant?

Trouser Wearing Barbarian: I dunno, a Vicar Caveman Hobo Accountant would be pretty awesome.

Actually, I don't quite understand the distinction between this and Radioactive Teenage Samurai Robot Wombats (except for the fact that the latter is more specific; seems like it should be a sub-trope). I've actually always been secretly convinced that that was exaclty how they got the concept for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles—they asked a 9-year-old what they thought was cool: "Teenagers, mutants, ninjas, and turtles."

Twin Bird:

  • According to the Fox News Channel and the crowd they pander to, Obama may be a Muslim Atheist Liberation-Catholic Terrorist Sleeper Agent Fascist Socialist Pseudo-President. Yes, that's right, Muslim Atheist Catholic.
    • Someone in my town suggested that he was a Communist AND an anarchist. I'm not entirely surprised.
    • <g> Where this pearl can be seen ?

...oh, come on!

Malchus: I'm putting the above back with relevant links for most of the claims of what he is, to show that I Am Not Making This Up. This isn't about a political agenda, because frankly the American political scene being so pervasive in the media is just tedious. However, I'll gladly call out any contradictory bullshit if I see or hear it, and these are just too unbelievable to pass up.

Muslim Atheist Liberation-Catholic Terrorist Sleeper Agent Fascist Socialist Pseudo-President. Yes, that's right, Muslim Atheist Catholic.

Twin Bird: Not the point. No one believes all those things at once, and even if they did, it would not be "awesome." This is kind of like the TV Tropes equivalent of "original research"; you're creating an ad-hoc satire for an example.

This troper would like to propose that this picture is included somewhere in the page. It is a nun. Punching a shark. Also, according to the artist, the robot wins.
This troper would suggest that the latest CAD comic - which happens to be a Robot Pirate fighting a Ninja Zombie - could be used to illustrate this page. The Ninja Zombie is riding on a T-Rex, by the way. [1]
