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Archived Discussion Main / NeilGaiman

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Mr Wednesday: Snipped the note saying "Not everyone feels this way about him" because it feels pointless to point out that not everyone feels the same way about any one thing in existence full stop. If he has a particularly large or vocal Hatedom that I'm not aware of, it's probably worth putting back in, but as it was it just looked like some random individual wanted a bit of recognition for their opinion.

This troper would like to point out that he is the only living author she would gladly sleep with. Several times. For days on end.

While awesome and all, it's still Conversation In The Main Page.

Son Tenks: This troper would like to point out he is the only living author he would gladly sleep with - and this troper is a young straight male.

Ununnilium: Changed the 1602 example back; it's more accurate, due to spoilers.
Meiriona: Should it be noted the sheer amount of Nightmare Fuel and Unleaded Neil manages to incorperate into any and all his works? Coraline being practically a tribute in unleaded?
Fast Eddie: Moving over some natter:
In many references to him in this wiki you'll find editors say that people who were fans of his early stuff when it was his new stuff aren't fans anymore. Though it doesn't say why. Someone who knows will have to tell me.

Romanticide: ^ I also want to know too why.

Ununnilium: Heck if I know.
