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As You Wish Mustard launched as My Name Is Not Durwood: From YKTTW

Working Title: My Name Is Not Durwood: From YKTTW

Fire Walk: Something needs to be done about the quotes here, probably cutting the Tick one (or at least cutting them shorter)

Cutting from ->The Tick: "I've had enough chasing; it's your turn now, 'forest-smog'!"
Thrakkorzog: "Thrakkorzog! Thrakkorzog! With a "K"! Boy, are you ever rude."
Thrakkorzog's Tongue: "Eat rude brains!"
The Tick: "No brains today; we're only serving humble-pie, 'Whatchamazog'!"
Thrakkorzog: "Listen buddy, for the last time; it's-"
The Tick: "Thorax-in-a-bog?"
Thrakkorzog: "Thrakkorzog!"
The Tick: "Ah, laxative-log!"
Thrakkorzog: "No, no, no."
The Tick: "Laplander-zog?"
Thrakkorzog: "No!"
The Tick: "Four-yaks-and-a-dog?"
Thrakkorzog: "Thrak-!"
The Tick: "Sap-sucker-frog!"
Thrakkorzog: "No no no!"
The Tick: *Ahem* "...Susan?"
Thrakkorzog: "...Oh. *tsk tsk tsk* Now you're doing it on purpose. How juvenile."

Nebulous: They used to call me "the one musketeer".
Paula: Really?
Nebulous: No... they called me "Nobulous".
Rodney: Trigger - why do you call me Dave? My name's not Dave, my name's Rodney.
Trigger: I thought it was Dave.
Rodney: No, it's Rodney.
Trigger: You sure?
Rodney: Yeah, I'm positive. I've looked it up on me birth certificate and passport and everything! It is definitely Rodney!
Trigger: Oh well, you live and learn... So what's Dave, a nickname like?
Rodney: No! You're the only one who calls me Dave! Everybody else calls me Rodney, and the reason they call me Rodney is because Rodney is my name.
Trigger: Oh well, I shall have to get used to calling you Rodney.
Rodney: Thank you.
Trigger: Here, Basil, you gonna get this meeting started? Me and Dave ain't got all night.

Rissa: Moved extra quotes to the Quotes Wiki page here.

Eponymous Kid: Okay, for future reference, using a nickname the person doesn't like (like Azula does to Zuko with "Zuzu") is not the same as getting their name wrong on purpose or twisting the name into an insult or forgettign their name, or anything this trope is about. It is not.

HeartBurn Kid: I'm thinking we should cut most of the "personal" examples. They clutter the page and don't really add anything.

Kilyle: Awww... I like them. (I just added my own experience, too.) Besides, they're good fodder for future writers, seeing how names can mutate and such. Although I wouldn't be opposed to a separate page (not forum but wiki page) specifically for personal examples of name problems, which would offer the same benefit to writers while keeping the main pages clutter-free. Just figure out a name and stick a link on the main name-problem pages (including Spell My Name With An S and Gender-Blender Name).

I have quite a nice example, but no idea where to put it (Web Original?):

In Lethal Weapon 4, Mel Gibson and Danny Glover's characters keep calling Chris Rock's character (Butters) something else, like Biscuits or Burgers. At one point Chris Rock says "Do you have Alzheimers or something?". Is that a lampshade? I'm not really sure, so I don't know whether I should add it like a lampshade.
