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Archived Discussion Main / ImpersonationParadox

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: First, who redirected the link to this on the Cut List to the Home Page?

Second, this can be saved. This has happened more than twice.

Xander77: Please edit to remove the intial definition (first paragraph) and change it to the new meaning (second paragraph and onwards). Move Julia Roberts to the "Your costume needs work" example.

Arivne: I've added this trope to the Tropes Needing Examples page so it can get some love.

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: This trope now has enough examples to prove it's a trope. Keep it.

gibberingtroper: I think its also the case that a person may only know how to impersonate certain behaviors or even certain lines spoken by the subject of the impersonation. If the impersonator continues his impression he's either going to be repeating himself a lot or moving beyond what his skills can handle. For example, I can quote Monty Python retaining the accents and even the voices in some cases but I can't do a general John Cleese impression or even a basic British accent (Best I can get for my trouble is a "you're not from around here are you.")

gibberingtroper: When I ask "was there ever a good Bush impersonation?" I really mean it. Every last one I heard went straight to Flanderization and did little more than try to copy his texan cadence. Phil Hartman and Darryl Hammond both did a pretty good Bill Clinton. Dana Carvey (at least originally) did a decent Bush Sr.

But Will Ferrell's Dubya, while funny, was not good.
