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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Caswin: I removed the entry labeling Carl as a Designated Villain. The author seems to place a disturbingly low priority on sending a mugger to rob an innocent person at gunpoint and acting shocked when the victim gets killed.

  • Designated Villain: Carl. While it is true that he is technically responsible for Sam's death, and was involved in money laundering, he had not intended for Sam to be killed (he only wanted Sam's notebook) and actually berated the mugger for doing so. It was Sam's own damn fault for not just giving the mugger his wallet rather than trying to play the hero, and for actually showing Carl that he kept the passwords to the accounts he was in charge of in his notebook. In spite of this, Sam regards Carl as being personally responsible for his murder, and actually mocks him over the fact that the loss of the laundered money (which is Sam's doing) will get him killed. Carl does later get desperate enough to threaten Molly, but that was only after Sam mocked and provoked him, as well as taking the money; even so, his first course had been to get back the money without anyone else being hurt.
