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Archived Discussion Main / FourFingeredHands

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: Weirdly enough, we don't have a page for Bugs Bunny/Mickey Mouse-style anthropomorphic funny animals. We have Speech Impared Animal and Talking Animal, but neither of those fit the bill.

Harpie Siren: *gasp* your right! I propose we call it Funny Animal.

Ununnilium: Works for me.

Harpie Siren: o_O That comic sounds ... weird...

BT The P: It is very odd, and also very funny. It's a one-volume graphic novel, I highly recommend it.

Harpie Siren: Oh... wait .... "Rickey Rat" .... I get it! I'm a ditz sometimes....

Scrounge: In less "Cartoony" styles, characters can still wind up with four fingers in speculative fiction... Especially of the sci-fi variety, as it's generally aliens and robots that get hit with this. Look for some four-fingered hands in the upcoming Transformers movie, for example.

Fly: I'm told the unpopularity with four-fingered characters in anime is related to the Yazuka. Does that deserve an add?

The Simpsons lampshaded it in an episode where Lisa, or Bart, is reading a science magazine about how humans will evolve one day to have 5 fingers instead of the normal four. I believe the response was "ooh, weird" Related somewhat to when Homer freaked out when he imagined the kids as pink skinned humans.

Seth: They are both just Lampshade Hanging.

Damian Yerrick: Do they count in octal?

WonSab: Didn't the old Mega Man bosses have this? In addition to having one of them magically disappear in their attack animations?
