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Archived Discussion Main / FetusTerrible

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Solandra: Sorry for leaving this entry unfinished. A terrible storm was brewing outside, and I immediately got off the computer. Of course, my computer did not respond well to my hasty log-off and froze right up, and the storm stopped five minutes later like it did yesterday. 9_9

Man Called True: Removing The Small Assassin from the examples, as the troper didn't quite get it right - the woman (and her husband) are killed by the kid after he's born; the child is unnaturally intelligent and strong, and kills them out of spite for being thrust from the womb into this cold, uncaring world. By the way: thanks for making my spine go cold again. Damn, that story is creepy.

Mark Z: Removed "One word: Hao" from the examples section, as it's not an example.

Nybbler: I remember a novel which is a variation and subversion of this. A pregnant woman takes part in an experiment where she's hooked to a super-computer. Pregnant women aren't allowed in the experiment, so she conceals this fact because she needs the stipend offered. When the researcher finds out, he lets her continue anyway. Eventually she starts behaving strangely, and it becomes clear that the child is communicating directly to the computer, and controlling the mother by messing with her hormones from the inside. Much horror ensues, including a failed abortion attempt, and worries about the baby being some sort of monster when born. At the end the baby is born, and is perfectly normal. There may have been an Or Is It, though. Unfortunately I don't remember the title. (ahh, it's David Shobin's _The Unborn_) —- Removed this: ** "She's gonna be 21-looking in seven years so it's okay." from the discussion of Renesmee because it is a) completely irrelevant, as it has to do with the child after she is born, and b) inaccurate. She will be 21 or so in all relevant manners, physically, mentally, emotionally and developmentally. Just because the book is not well written does not mean people should misinterpret it. —-

Out of curiosity, are there any of these stories where the mother is TRYING to get rid of the evil baby? It seems like in so many of them, the woman is always brainwashed or stupid, and other people have to tell her what's best for her...
