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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Ten Minute World: from YKTTW: Ten Minute World launched as Easily Conquered World.

Peteman: Feel Square Peg Round Trope about the Dungeons and Dragons movie. It was going to be taken over by a: popular vote from the Wizards Council which was there to check the power of the empress, and B: an army of dragons, which are anything but wimpy.

Earnest: Out it goes then.

Ethereal Mutation: While it's probably not a proper example in retrospect, I mentioned the Dungeons And Dragons film because with my recollection of it, they dumbed down politics to near-kindergarten level and it was stupidly easy for the Big Bad to bully results out of the council. Still, I guess it doesn't fit.

Earnest: I thought as much too remembering the movie, the queen's power was backed up entirely by the dragon staff, her own supporters were few and the big bad was essentially forcing her into a corner by bullying/bribing the council into voting she relinquish it, at which point he'd get it and nothing would stop him. Going by the trope, this would be the "glorified Laser Blade" that the villain can use to get absolute power. Honestly, it's one of the few negative depictions of democracy I've seen on film (pity it was so hammy). But it doesn't quite fit because creaky as the political/power balance was, it did resist him reasonably effectively even without the hero.

It's so frustrating to not be able to properly mock a movie like this, isn't it? We'll just have to find some other aspects to mock mercilessly. ^_^

Eric DVH: Removed the following:
In fact, with how little true resistance the Wizarding community puts up, it makes one realize they wouldn't last ten minutes in an out-and-out war against the Muggles.
  • The weakness compared to Muggles is Word of God. She kept anyone from suggesting using non-magical weapons because someone with a gun could take out the most powerful wizard before they even realized they were in danger.

One, I've never seen this supposed Word of God. Two, this sort of chauvinistic Fan Wank is just as stupid for Harry Potter as it is for Star Trek. I mean, who's to say there aren't spells that would render somebody bulletproof? This idiocy needs to D.I.A.F.

Boobah: Removed:

  • Hail the Magnificent Bastardiness of our former king, Hassan II. By the way, he had this troper's grandfather assassinated, among many other people. And let us not forget how he had Algeria invaded right after they got their independence, in 1964. And he did it just to piss them off, starting a cold war with them via "Western Sahara" and an excessively expensive arms race, and creating an excuse for having an almighty military and a police state.

because interesting as it is, it has nothing to do with an Easily Conquered World.
