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Archived Discussion Main / DoomedHometown

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Artist: OK, I read this expecting to see the Dragonlance Chronicles, but they're not here. As I remember, Solace, the town in which the adventurers start their campaign, is devastated by the bad armies.

Idle Dandy: Wouldn't Krypton be a quintessential Doomed Home Planet?

Seth ... ... ... Hell yeah. It fits perfectly when you think about it.

Seven Seals: I didn't add this to the page because it doesn't really fit, but it's something to think about.

This trope is a specialization of a more general phenomenon: that the game starts at a certain location where you will only briefly remain before heading out, never to return there again because the location is destroyed or otherwise made inaccessible. Examples: Irenicus' dungeon in Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, the battlecruiser in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. In fact, a game starting with "escape from the crashing/exploding ship/house/boat/planet" is very common, and not just limited to home towns.

Seth: Removed the Omashu example because this is A- A jump start trope so it happens at the start not the second season and B- it was none of the characters hometown.

Seven Seals: Removed the other Avatar reference as well, because it's just weak. The Southern Air Temple is a poor example of a hometown and it doesn't get destroyed the minute Aang leaves there, in order to spur him on a quest - it's destroyed while he's languishing in a block of ice for a century, and it's arguably his fault for taking himself out of the picture in the first place. Avatar is not a game, and IMO examples from other genres should be held to higher standards to appear here (Superman certainly counts).

Prfnoff: Removed the Scouring of the Shire, which is already more appropriately covered under You Can't Go Home Again... no, actually in Where It All Began.

Prfnoff: Removed the page image. Memetic Mutation aside, it's also on The Call Knows Where You Live in a smaller version, and it's a better fit there. We need something showing a bunch of burning houses, I think. Something like this...
