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Archived Discussion Main / DesignatedEvil

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Micah: I removed this from the Angel example: "(And indeed, it was portrayed as so evil that Fred, who was going to kill the guy herself, seemed to feel it was the largest contributor to their relationship breaking up.)" It looks like a misreading of the episode to me: it's precisely because she was going to kill the guy herself—and was frustrated with Gunn pedestalizing her by not letting her—that she was angry with him.

Austin: I think the whole example is a misunderstanding of the episode. For the most part, it wasn't the act of killing itself, it was the fact that it just wasn't who Fred was, and the others were afraid that if she did kill him, she wouldn't be able to deal with it. And that's true, some people just can't handle killing, no matter how justified it is.

Austin: I took out the Supernatural example

"In Supernatural, Sam's killing of Jake in All Hell Breaks Loose was supposedly his Start of Darkness. That would be all well and good as he did actually get darker in Season Three but shooting the guy that killed you and was about to unleash a demonic army on the entire world? A lot of sane people would call that justified."

The point of that wasn't that killing Jake was wrong, but that killing humans with no hesitation just wasn't who Sam was. It was meant to show case a darker change in his character, not necessarily showing him doing the wrong thing.

I don't have an account and never edited around here, but why the HELL isn't Avatar (as in James Cameron's) on this list?

I was rooting for the humans all the way. If you check the supplementary materials, you discover that the Unobtanium was being used to save MILLIONS of human lives.

On top of that, Quaritch did everything he could to minimize Na'vi casualties without risking his own men. The Na'vi attack, unlike the humans', was strictly punitive- they had nothing to gain except the death of more humans (most of whom were innocent civillians on Earth). As I see it Sully was the real villain of the film :P
