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Archived Discussion Main / DeadHorseTrope

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Removed "a million monkeys on a million typewriters." That's a philosophical concept, not really a trope. And within its own field, philosophy, it is very far from being a Dead Horse Concept.

Micah: Removed "The coloratura soprano." Madame Mao from Nixon in China is a perfectly straight example of a coloratura soprano, from an opera by a living composer.

Random Troper: The discussion on 'My dog ate my homework' has gotten out of hand...

  • "My dog ate my homework!"
    • Unknown Trix Rabbi: This troper has had his dog destroy his homework before. Hard to explain without sounding like an idiot.
    • Lady Jafaria: There's a shirt marketed to teachers that says "My dog ate my lesson plan."
    • Terminus Est 13: This Troper's teacher said, and I quote, "Look, I know that sometimes we need to miss vital days. Like test days. But for God's sake don't say 'My grandmother died and I had to go to the funeral'. I have heard that 106 times across four semesters. Yes, I'm keeping count."

Random Troper: I think there should be a Trope page on Homeworkivorous Dogs, if there isn't already. There's certainly enough discussion to merit one.

macroscopic: cut:

  • The white wedding dress as a sign of virginity, and the off-white wedding dress as a sign of previous sexual experience - usually "loose morals" (premarital sex or divorce), but also widowhood. This was honestly believed in the post-World War II period, at least in North America, but shows set before 1945 or after 1980 use it at their peril. (Interestingly, some younger people are convinced this is a Dead Unicorn Trope because they personally have never dealt with it. This troper is older, and remembers the shame and guilt well.)
  • Since real life females often dominate fanfiction sites, My Space, and Facebook, There Are No Girls on the Internet has been a Dead Horse Trope for some time now.

Both look like they fall more under Did Not Do The Research, if anything. I find it doubtful these are parodied or inverted enough to be dead horse tropes.
