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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Radioactive Zombie - since when were bulletpoints rants? I need someone to help restore this.

May I suggest: The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard - Enemy snipers in the DS version of Call of Duty 4.

With Modern Warfare 2 coming out, it seems the franchise is splitting in two different directions. I suggest a possible split of the trope pages?

Deadbeatloser22: Just because Soap's a Captain in MW 2 doesn't mean Price is dead. Soap could quite easily have been given command of his own team, or Price may simply have retired after Co D 4, or he may even have been promoted and moved to a different position.

  • Out of curiousity... isn't the nuke going off in Call Of Duty 4 rather Did Not Do The Research? I mean, you saw the nuke go off some hundreds of metres away from you - I'm pretty sure the chances of surviving that, let alone still having your eye sight still, is zero.
    • And sure enough, you didn't survive it. Though the flash would indeed have left anyone who looked directly at the blast blind.

Alhazred: Ganking this:

  • Wall Banger: Infinity Ward apparently forgot that modern day Russia is not in fact the Soviet Union as depicted by the movie Red Dawn - up to and including using weapons that the Russian army has not used for over 30 years, and air dropping absurd amounts of paratroopers in the deepest depths of the enemy country, mostly to kill civilian targets. This troper was very much not amused at this true Wall Banger moment from an otherwise excellent product.
    • They were in Virginia trying to capture "Raptor", aka The President. You'd be throwing everything you have at the US, including weapons you have to drag out of storage.

Because it's completely, completely ignoring the context of the entire plot leading up to it, which is spelled out in-game like this (unmarked Modern Warfare 2 spoilers follow):

  • The Russians aquire American hardware that allows them to hack into the American military's sattelite network. The hardware is recovered too late, but no one realizes that yet.
  • General Shepherd sends an undercover American agent into the Ultranationalists, knowing Makarov will figure out who he is and use him to frame America for a terrorist attack on Russian soil.
  • The world at large turns on the west and America in particular; everybody thinks that if the Russians want to kill every American they see in retaliation for the terrorist attack on their soil, they should be welcome to it.
  • The Russians, who view the first game's Big Bad as a hero and thus already resent the west for killing him, respond by using their window into the American early warning net to land an invasion force directly into Washington DC. The Russian Army is responsible for the deaths of a large number of non-combatants, in direct response to the terrorist attack their soldiers believe the Americans were responsible for. Their actual military objective is to occupy DC if not outright flatten it and capture or kill the President of the United States.
  • This is exactly what Shepherd wants to happen, angering the Russians to this point is part of his plan. Considering that he expresses surprise at Price's plan to launch the nuke, we can extrapolate that the EMP wasn't part of his plan, and he actually expected the Russians to dig into DC and a much longer, bloodier fight getting them out of the country.

In short, no, Infinity Ward didn't forget reality. It's fair to call the plot stupid, it's certainly outlandish enough that it can break suspension of disbelief for some, in particular the idea that the Russians would respond with a "1000 of you for every 1 of us dead" mentality, but it has set-up and it's internally consistent. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it incompetent writing.

Koveras: Thanks for that explanation, man. Someone had to say it.

Doom Tay: I smell a misuse of Betterby A Different Name when Modern Warfare 2 is referred to as Call of Duty 6, that what it's potholed to. I have this urge to fix that, but I'm waiting for someone's approval.
