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Archived Discussion Main / BadassBiker

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Madrugada: I cut these examples:

  • Kirk has one, at least in the early part of the new movie.
  • Maverick, of Top Gun fame, has a Cool Bike when his Cool Plane isn't enough.
  • House from, uh, House. Who said doctors couldn't be badass?

Since they may ride a cool bike, but they aren't bikers in attitude.

  • Sirius Black in Harry Potter owns a flying motorbike, but we only see "not-terribly-badass" Hagrid riding it.
    • Not-terribly-badass?! He's a freakin' half-giant who thinks dragons are cute! Okay, so the badassery and the bike don't happen at the same time, but still.

Because as the second note mentions, Hagrid is a badass but not a biker and merely having a bike doesn't make Sirius a Badass Biker, either
