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Archived Discussion Main / ArcFatigue

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Arc Fatigue: From YKTTW

July 14th 2009 - there is currently a proposal to merge this trope with Are They Still On Namek. Please participate in the forum discussion here.

Document N: I still don't like the title; too negative.

BritBllt: To avoid replying on the main page and creating natter, I just want to say here...

  • But wait! According to certain rumors, everything before Guts' and his nakama's deciding to sail for Elfland was just the PROLOGUE. No wonder fans are worried about potential Author Existence Failure...


Nate The Great: Regarding the "Search for Spliter" TMNT example, could someone specify which series it refers to? I assume it's the newer series, but I'm not sure.
