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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: All Your Colors Combined: From YKTTW

Son Tenks: Erm... the Captain Planet phrase is "by your powers combined," rather than "all your colours." Does this make any difference to anything?

Best. Trope. Description. EVER!

Earnest: Your words make me happy. And since I'm in the middle of grading tests, the happiness quotient counts double. ^_^

Cosmetor: No, actually, it's the worst trope description ever. It's not even a description of the trope at all. Even the massive unbroken paragraphs of The Schizophrenia Conspiracy gave some indication of what the trope was about.

Earnest: Awesome! Such a polarizing trope description is sure to start a Flame War! I was getting bored of only having the Timey-Wimey Ball ice cream Edit War to my name. More seriously, how is the trope not being described? Each line is a separate colored character, and by the end they unite their powers and make a rainbow attack. Simple enough.

Cosmetor: Oh, so you were trying to start a war? Then I guess I don't really need to explain the problem.

dkellis: While I have no opinions either way on the original description vs the new one, I'll just copy-and-paste the old one here in case it gets pushed off the Page History listing:

Color Crusaders! This is Prism King, a Giant Space Flea from Nowhere attacks! Deploy!

I am Colonel Crimson! Feel the Fire of Justice!

Brigadier Blue reporting! Stronger than a Tsunami!

Orange O... person... fights for love! (or something...)

Black Bomber here, filling up space!

And I, General Green, shall make the very Earth shake with righteousness!

By Our Elemental Powers Combined, Feel the Sweet Joy Judgement Spirit Bomb Beam!

Earnest:: ... ok... Is my lighthearted sarcasm really that hard to detect? I was trying to defuse the situation: Timey-Wimey Ball was never an edit war you could call hostile (or that long lasting, it was 3 days tops), it was just people changing the ice cream flavor. This on the other hand leads me to believe you want an excuse to cut out the trope description entirely rather than fix it. Dude, explain the problem and it can be fixed. It's trivially easy to change any one or more of the "Color Crusaders" In the Name of the Moon lines to spell out the trope better.

I'll be honest: I like my description because it's neat! There's always an amount of author's pride in anything they put work into. It's colorful, it reflects the trope. But, if it doesn't do the job it's supposed to, just tell me how and it can be fixed. Hell, this is an open wiki, you can do so yourself and I likely won't complain. But just cutting it off and replacing it with one little sentence... seems kinda extreme.

Servbot: There! That should keep everyone happy! <<

Hmm, does the combined attack used at the beginning of this video count?

Burai: Removed ...
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons featured a group of Super-Soldiers called "Spectrum", headed by "Colonel White", and featuring Captains Fawn, Ochre, and Magenta in addition to the titular Captain Scarlet. The villain's chief henchman was Captain Black.
... because unless I'm misreading the trope, this doesn't fit. It's not about the color theme per se, but about the combined color attack.

Coz: I'm not sure Eureka 7's Seven Swell attack qualifies. While it's a rainbow-ish attack, it isn't done by a colored team.
