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Archived Discussion DarthWiki / MostAnnoyingSound

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: STFU SFX!: From YKTTW

Freezair For A Limited Time: The picture on this page alone is giving me a headache. Egads.

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: someone wants this cut because he thinks it isn't a trope. The number of examples suggests that it is...

Big T: The reason he says it isn't a trope is that it is highly subjective and really has nothing to do with fiction. I don't know whether this is sufficient cause for concern, as I have seen similar so-called "tropes", but it is, at least, factually correct.

That Other 1 Dude: This page is basically "sounds you think are annoying". That isn't a trope.

  • The Diva: Not exactly—it's sound bites/audio cues in a video game that, over the course of playing, are repeated so incessantly that eventually you'd rather rip your speakers out and throw them through the window rather than hear it again. The sound itself isn't necessarily of the nails-on-the-blackboard variety, it just becomes that way after you hear it for the five thousandth time in a row. This happens often enough in games to warrant troping, I think.
  • Mr Guy: I also agree. Certain sounds eventually become universally grating— this is not, as you seem to think it is, Complaining About Music/SFX You Don't Like.

fleb: Just for posterity, the page image that got cut on 09/19/08: [1]

Prfnoff: I moved it to Nails on a Blackboard, which it more aptly illustrates. (And we don't want it inline on this discussion page.) And removing an image from a page doesn't keep it from showing up on the Images List.

Mr Guy: Also, Made Of Win points for whoever put the new image in.

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: This is a trope, and we have the examples to prove it. (Also read the above discussion — this is not the first time someone has tried to cut the page.)
Mullon: Since Most Wonderful Sound is in Sugar Wiki, should this page be moved to Darth Wiki?
