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Reviews FanficRecs / hack EVA: Catharsis

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Willbyr Hi (Y2K)
10/25/2010 18:36:29 •••

Comartemis' review

Yes, you read that right. It's a bonafide .hack/Evangelion crossover, and though this troper hasn't finished reading yet, he's already impressed enough to deem it worthy of this list. AlfheimWanderer has done a magnificent job of taking the best of the philosophical themes found throughout the .hack series and spelling them out in plain and simple terms, so even those who've played all the .hack games, seen the anime, and read the novels will probably find something new to think about here. The story as of chapter 11 seems to bear a closer resemblance to .hack//SIGN than any of the games; there isn't a whole lot of overt conflict against a concrete enemy (yet), but there is a lot of character development and exploration of the themes found in the .hack series; fans of the original quartet will be pleased to know that What Measure Is A Non Human is back in full force courtesy of Morganna and Lycoris being resurrected in Tokyo-3 via reality-warping backlash from a failed Third Impact.

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