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Reviews Manga / Case Closed

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Nikita123 Since: Jul, 2015
07/28/2015 04:57:14 •••


Since I started Detective Conan and discovered just how long the series is, my feelings have been mixed. On the one hand, the early seasons are incredibly thrilling and suspenseful. The romance couples, as well as the comic relief characters(Sonoko, Kogoro) round off the series nicely.

I feel that several plot points in this series have been overused to the point of stagnation. In other words, milked dry, as the earlier troper stated. Nobody really buys Ran's obliviousness to Conan's identity anymore. Many characters that used to have interesting developments in earlier seasons have been downgraded to flat or uninteresting characters. Although cases following the Detective Boys weren't nearly as interesting as the others(in my opinion), I do miss the days when they used to have separate, individual personalities. The romances are predictable and while they are moving towards a (slow) conclusion, they aren't nearly as enjoyable as they used to be. Because any romantic development is very obviously being delayed.

As for the Black Organization? This plot has barely moved forward since the beginning. While many characters have been introduced that have infiltrated the Organization and are trying to take it down, there has been almost no appearance or mention of them. Nor have they uncovered much information. It is a pity, because it's a good plot, but it's been slowed down to the point of absurdity. At this pace, Conan(the kid, not the high-schooler) should be in his middle ages by the time they're finally exposed.

While I enjoy and still closely follow the series, I really, REALLY wish that it would come to an end already, because it's already dipping in quality due to sheer Arc Fatigue.

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