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Reviews VisualNovel / Corpse Party

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dylanmc12 Since: Dec, 2013
10/03/2014 08:14:59 •••

Corpse Party: Musume

So, Corpse Party is a good game, with good characters and a good story, along with being chilling, but in a very Fridge Horror way that leaves it up to interpretation. It's a very specific kind of writing like this that keeps fanworks and interest in the game alive.

And then Musume came along. So, first things are first:

Unfortunate Implications abound. I would say that I have a pretty dark sense of humour. I laugh at dead puppies and I like a good joke involving a life falling apart. But this... Dude, Not Funny! I stopped counting the panty shots - of 16 year olds, +1 pre-pubescent girl, around the 180th. Ayumi's ass gets more screentime than her, and the scene when Naomi gets raped in the bathroom by a bunch of overly ridiculous... bathroom hands, after an insect crawled into her panties, WHILE Yuka was wandering around in a minidress without any panties on...

It made me physically sick.

Then I ended up looking at the artist's other works. Lolicon, Squick, humour that not only fails to cross the line, but instead throws it out and takes Refuge in Vulgarity... all sorts of nasty shit that gets Manga and Anime its reputation as "kiddie porn and mechas" from pretty much everywhere but Japan in a lot of people.

So, two major characters are introduced: Miyu, a young transwoman, and some asshole.

The author decided to Kill The Transwoman First, so Miyu gets tentacle raped to death. This would be Black Comedy Rape, if not for the fact tat Ayumi, Naomi, Yuka and Miyu herself had gotten at least 20 pantyshots amongst themselves by now, where it simply vaults into pure Squick. And the other guy resists grabbing Ayumi's ass, while justifying his lust as being "a normal guy". There are two problems here:

He isn't villianous. Sexually harrasing girls is considered normal, and he can't help it because he's a man. Ayumi's ass gets an entire page dedicated to it.

I may seem incredibly hung up on all of the Unfortunate Implications and Fetish Retardant for things I didn't even know people fetishised, but I read the whole thing.

And it stays shitty throughout. It's all a vehicle for tits and panties, with pages dedicated to talking about the girls' panties, and ridiculously kitschy, Narmy pin-ups every few pages.

Just horrible.

TT454 Since: May, 2014
10/03/2014 00:00:00

Sounds like absolute garbage. I have no idea why anyone minus perverts would enjoy this crap.

"...all sorts of nasty shit that gets manga and anime its reputation as "kiddie porn and mechas" from pretty much everywhere but Japan in a lot of people."

A reputation it fully deserves.

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