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Reviews Webvideo / Tribe Twelve

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rklover13 Since: Feb, 2013
02/23/2014 20:13:34 •••

Conflicted —edit

Okay, so I came to this after watching Marble Hornets, and really what you watch first does affect your opinion of latter things. First, I had high expectations for this, given its fanbase on Deviantart, but I was pretty disappointed.

True, it did START as a MH clone, but that's okay, truly, I have no problem with that, I have problems with everything after it. It did develop into a distinct series, but it wasn't good.

The acting, is TERRIBLE to watch, nearly painful. For me, it didn't even cross into a "so bad it's good" territory. It was just bad.

Noah is a jerk. On the same vein as Alex from Marble Hornets, but I seriously wanted to gag over how he spoke to everyone in this series. Plus his swearing was hitting "Blair Witch Project" levels of annoyance.

The plot also leave something to be desired. I love complicated series, I really do, but I could barely follow what happened within the episode. Granted, this could just be me, but after extensive reading of the wiki, all I could think was "What?". I appreciate them wanting to pair up with other slender man mythos series, but I don't want to watch two or more other series (which I have also read aren't good), in order to fully understand this one.

All in all, it had an alright concept. The visual effects as others have mentioned are good, but it wasn't worth the hours I spent trying to get into it. I don't recommend it to anyone, just read the wiki, the transcripts are detailed enough. For an interesting (and non painful to watch) slender 'vlog', I highly recommend Marble Hornets. The acting is good, the plot is solid, and it is well executed.

  • Edit*** I may not have mentioned this, but.. this series IS strangely addicting, and despite it's problems, I do find myself conflicted. I think it's tolerable in smaller doses, but I still don't like having to read a whole bunch of different sources to understand it. But, I'll give it another shot. *****

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