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15th Aug '16 at 09:16:52 PMBerrenta
line 5 changed to:
Edit: [[strike:I seem to encounter this issue at a certain time frame (around 11:00 pm CDT). Other times it doesn't switch.]]

Update: Okay, looks like it has stopped for good. Disregard this post.
Edit: [[strike:I seem to encounter this issue at a certain time frame (around 11:00 pm CDT). Other times it doesn't switch.]] Okay, apparently specific time isn't the problem.
14th Jul '16 at 02:33:10 PMBerrenta
line 5 changed to:
Edit: [[strike:I seem to encounter this issue at a certain time frame (around 11:00 pm CDT). Other times it doesn't switch.]] Okay, apparently specific time isn't the problem.
Edit: I seem to encounter this issue at a certain time frame (around 11:00 pm CDT). Other times it doesn't switch.
13th Jul '16 at 10:06:14 PMBerrenta
line 3 changed to:

Edit: I seem to encounter this issue at a certain time frame (around 11:00 pm CDT). Other times it doesn't switch.

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