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15th Feb '24 at 05:30:06 AMJHD0919
line 1 changed to:
In 2018, Tropers/VampireBuddha created VideoGame.{{Starwing}} as a redirect to VideoGame.StarFox1. Problem was, he did not capitalize "[=VideoGame=]" correctly, so I recently requested that it be fixed in the [[ "Capitalization fixes" thread.]]
In 2018, Tropers/VampireBuddha created VideoGame.{{Starwing}} as a redirect to VideoGame.StarFox1. Problem was, he did not capitalize "[=VideoGame=]" correctly, so I recently requested that be fixed in the [[ "Capitalization fixes" thread.]]
15th Feb '24 at 05:29:47 AMJHD0919
line 1 changed to:
In 2018, Tropers/VampireBuddha created VideoGame.{{Starwing}} as a redirect to VideoGame.StarFox1. Problem was, he did not capitalize "[=VideoGame=]" correctly, so I recently requested that be fixed in the [[ "Capitalization fixes" thread.]]
In 2018, Tropers/VampireBuddha created VideoGame.Starwing as a redirect to VideoGame.StarFox1. Problem was, he did not capitalize "[=VideoGame=]" correctly, so I recently requested that be fixed in the [[ "Capitalization fixes" thread.]]

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