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2nd Jul '23 at 10:08:58 AMUFOYeah
line 1 changed to:
[[ Here]], Tropers/{{MBG}} added a ValuesDissonance example, even though VD has a 20-year waiting period (for which it was removed). [[ Later]], Tropers/{{MBG159}} added a ValuesDissonance example that was expanded upon, yet had the same idea as the other VD example (complete with mentioning the movie likely getting boycotted today at the end). Most notably, they ''admitted'' to jumping the gun in the edit reason, yet did it anyway. MBG159 is the new account of MBG, meaning that the same person has added and re-added a VD example (expanded upon the second time, but still with the same concept) before the 20-year waiting period is up.
[[ Here]], Tropers/{{MBG}} added a ValuesDissonance example, even though VD has a 20-year waiting period (for which it was removed). [[ Later]], Tropers/{{MBG159}} added a ValuesDissonance example that had the same idea as the other VD example, except it was expanded upon. Most notably, they ''admitted'' to jumping the gun in the edit reason, yet did it anyway. MBG159 is the new account of MBG, meaning that the same person has added and re-added a VD example (expanded upon the second time, but still with the same concept) before the 20-year waiting period is up.
2nd Jul '23 at 10:04:22 AMUFOYeah
line 1 changed to:
[[ Here]], Tropers/{{MBG}} added a ValuesDissonance example, even though VD has a 20-year waiting period (for which it was removed). [[ Later]], Tropers/{{MBG159}} added a ValuesDissonance example that had the same idea as the other VD example, except it was expanded upon. Most notably, they ''admitted'' to jumping the gun in the edit reason, yet did it anyway. MBG159 is the new account of MBG, meaning that the same person has added and re-added a VD example (expanded upon the second time, but still with the same concept) before the 20-year waiting period is up.
[[ Here]], Tropers/{{MBG}} added a ValuesDissonance example, even though VD has a 20-year waiting period (for which it was removed). [[ Later]], Tropers/{{MBG159}} added a ValuesDissonance example that had the same idea as the other VD example, except it was expanded upon. Most notably, they ''admitted'' to jumping the gun in the edit reason, yet did it anyway. MBG159 is the new account of MBG, meaning that the same person has added and re-added a VD example before the 20-year waiting period is up.

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