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Veesjan Since: Feb, 2018
23rd May, 2018 09:13:22 AM

Could it be one of the Dr. Brain games?

BurntToast Since: Mar, 2018
23rd May, 2018 12:58:24 PM

Millie's Math House?

TravellingAsparagus Since: Oct, 2017
24th May, 2018 04:23:12 PM

Not either of these sorry, although the style was more similar to Castle of Dr. Brain than Millies Math House. If it helps, the movie Meet the Robinson's strongly reminded me of this game. I think each room had a zany family member to tell you what to do

TravellingAsparagus Since: Oct, 2017
27th May, 2018 05:26:33 AM

Le bump, any help at all is greatly appreciated

PPPSSC Since: Nov, 2009
27th May, 2018 12:12:05 PM

Could it have been one of the Rave entries in Math Blaster? Not a family, but featured several quirky houseguests in some entries.

TravellingAsparagus Since: Oct, 2017
28th May, 2018 09:11:41 PM

Ha! Found it on Serious Game Classification, it's called The Fennels Figure Math made 1996.
