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The TVTropes Trope Finder is where you can come to ask questions like "Do we have this one?" and "What's the trope about...?" Trying to rediscover a long lost show or other medium but need a little help? Head to Media Finder and try your luck there. Want to propose a new trope? You should be over at You Know, That Thing Where.

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Scorpion451 (Edited uphill both ways)
21st Sep, 2017 01:34:19 PM

Wunza Plot

Some specific forms that this sort of relationship can take include Headbutting Heroes, Odd Couple, Straight Man and Wise Guy, Red Oni, Blue Oni, and Vitriolic Best Buds, but there are plenty more to look through in Duo Tropes.

You might also look at the Agent Mulder and Agent Scully dynamic depending on what sort of story you're going for.
