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AegisP Since: Oct, 2014
21st Feb, 2017 12:12:29 AM

Oh noes. Ryulong was notorious in the toku fandom and not in the good way...

Edited by AegisP Discord: Waido X 255#1372 If you cant contact me on TV Tropes do it here.
jameygamer Since: May, 2014
21st Feb, 2017 03:39:24 AM

Has someone PM'd either of them about this Edit War? I know nothing of Kamen Rider, but the edit reasons are telling me this is a classic example of a brewing Edit War.

Nip this in the bud now.

YasminPerry Since: May, 2015
21st Feb, 2017 03:41:53 AM

Ryulong? The same one from Wikipedia?!

MorningStar1337 Since: Nov, 2012
21st Feb, 2017 04:04:24 AM

It appears that he needs a tap on the shoulder from the mods.

Edited by MorningStar1337
bwburke94 Since: May, 2014
21st Feb, 2017 04:35:17 AM

^^ Probably not the same Ryulong. The troper's account was created in May 2016, well after the Wikipedian's prime,

I had a dog-themed avatar before it was cool.
JRads47 Since: Dec, 2014
21st Feb, 2017 01:55:20 PM

There was a Ryulong who was also very rude on the Jojo character pages. I say we give them a tap on the shoulder.

pokedude10 Since: Oct, 2010
21st Feb, 2017 02:44:43 PM

Disclaimer: Not a Mod.

Generally, we don't directly prescribe actions such as banning/tapping. That happens at the Mod's discretion. Just report and move on. As Jamey said, send them a PM, but the report's already here.

Edited by pokedude10
MegaMarioMan Since: Jan, 2013
21st Feb, 2017 03:38:00 PM

(disclaimer: neither Candi nor I are mods)

I don't know if this is official policy, but Fighteer didn't discourage it and that's good enough for me :^)

"Come on! Let's get this show on the road."
Candi Since: Aug, 2012
21st Feb, 2017 06:01:10 PM

I figure the mods are fine with it. :p

I've been using it for over four years now, and never even gotten a PM or anything over it.

You can point out someone causing trouble; just don't tell the mods to pull them into the office for a writeup. (/warped humor)

Edited by Candi Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. -Terry Pratchett
nombretomado (Season 1)
21st Feb, 2017 06:19:46 PM

Pulling them in. Also, let's not speculate on the identities of tropers outside the wiki, mmkay?

Edited by nombretomado