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The TVTropes Trope Finder is where you can come to ask questions like "Do we have this one?" and "What's the trope about...?" Trying to rediscover a long lost show or other medium but need a little help? Head to Media Finder and try your luck there. Want to propose a new trope? You should be over at You Know, That Thing Where.

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Daefaroth Since: Jan, 2014
29th Jun, 2016 07:33:15 PM

Exactly What I Aimed At probably applies

This signature says something else when you aren't looking at it.
jormis29 Since: Mar, 2012
29th Jun, 2016 10:33:40 PM

Willfully Weak? there is also A-Team Firing

Edited by jormis29 Working on cleaning up List Of Shows That Need Summary
Lyner Since: Sep, 2014
30th Jun, 2016 07:46:56 PM

Willfully Weak sounds like the best bet. Especially if this includes cases where the person's attempts to control an aspect of their strength weakens them much further than they intend (again like how Akari just tries to avoid kill-shots but winds up unable to hit anything at all). A-Team Firing is a result, but there's no intent there. Exactly What I Aimed At is more playing with this trope. That trope is for someone who's aiming at a special target no one thought of, while my query was about someone simply trying to avoid hitting someone/something.
