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GameChainsaw The Shadows Devour You. from sunshine and rainbows! Since: Oct, 2010
The Shadows Devour You.
Fusionman I'm Back Bitches (not really) from In a snow-covered wasteland Since: Nov, 2009 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me
I'm Back Bitches (not really)
#553: Aug 17th 2010 at 5:29:56 PM

Well here we go at last.

Betty is in the middle of a LONG car ride. Does he ask questions or play games?

To Be Updated when I'm not Lazy
Daionusthe23rd Since: Dec, 1969
#554: Aug 17th 2010 at 5:41:19 PM

Ask questions. Not the stupid ones, though.

Joaqs Técnico Electromecánico from Argentina Since: Jul, 2009
Técnico Electromecánico
KKSlider Piercing the heavens from PST (UTC - 8) Since: Mar, 2010
Piercing the heavens
#556: Aug 17th 2010 at 7:45:13 PM


My Twitter. Mostly tweeting about Magic, sometimes anime. Needs Wiki Magic
BlackHumor Unreliable Narrator from Zombie City Since: Jan, 2001
#557: Aug 17th 2010 at 8:23:09 PM

Questions, of course.

I'm convinced that our modern day analogues to ancient scholars are comedians. -0dd1
dmboogie Phones from Snow Country, USA Since: Jul, 2009 Relationship Status: Maxing my social links
#558: Aug 17th 2010 at 9:20:39 PM

Play games. We need to level up our Geodude in Pokemon!

"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go."
GameChainsaw The Shadows Devour You. from sunshine and rainbows! Since: Oct, 2010
The Shadows Devour You.
#559: Aug 18th 2010 at 4:03:39 AM

An overlord has no time for games! We must question our minions about the progress of our latest evil scheme!!! Muwahahahaha!!!

The term "Great Man" is disturbingly interchangeable with "mass murderer" in history books.
Little_Serge Little Boss from An Evil Loli's Body Since: Jan, 2001
Little Boss
#560: Aug 18th 2010 at 6:35:13 AM

Question Everything.

“This happy breed of men, this little world, this precious stone set in a silver’d sea.."
ReDead Mechanoid Soldier Since: Apr, 2010
Mechanoid Soldier
#561: Sep 1st 2010 at 8:24:39 AM

Question the parents.

They may contain valuable intelligencewild mass guess.

Question everything.


edited 1st Sep '10 5:37:58 PM by ReDead

(◕ ヮ ◕)ノ
Reecer6 Defiler of Shops from Crowning Moment Of Awesome Since: Aug, 2009
Defiler of Shops
#562: Sep 1st 2010 at 2:42:13 PM


edited 1st Sep '10 2:42:21 PM by Reecer6

Soul is ugly.
Fusionman I'm Back Bitches (not really) from In a snow-covered wasteland Since: Nov, 2009 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me
I'm Back Bitches (not really)
#563: Sep 11th 2010 at 9:53:16 AM

OK we're at unanimous for question parents. Once I get on my computer I'll update with the results.

To Be Updated when I'm not Lazy
Fusionman I'm Back Bitches (not really) from In a snow-covered wasteland Since: Nov, 2009 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me
I'm Back Bitches (not really)
#564: Sep 12th 2010 at 7:44:15 PM

OK. We can ask 2 questions.

We can ask either "Where are we going" or "Are there babies there?"

To Be Updated when I'm not Lazy
GameChainsaw The Shadows Devour You. from sunshine and rainbows! Since: Oct, 2010
The Shadows Devour You.
#565: Sep 13th 2010 at 2:14:26 AM

Ask if there are other spawn there. We must enhance our network of contacts. Build that Byzantine web!

The term "Great Man" is disturbingly interchangeable with "mass murderer" in history books.
BlackHumor Unreliable Narrator from Zombie City Since: Jan, 2001
#567: Sep 13th 2010 at 5:03:19 AM

Ask where we're going, 'smore important.

I'm convinced that our modern day analogues to ancient scholars are comedians. -0dd1
KKSlider Piercing the heavens from PST (UTC - 8) Since: Mar, 2010
Piercing the heavens
#568: Sep 13th 2010 at 10:21:07 AM

Babies for the funnys.

My Twitter. Mostly tweeting about Magic, sometimes anime. Needs Wiki Magic
Daionusthe23rd Since: Dec, 1969
Joaqs Técnico Electromecánico from Argentina Since: Jul, 2009
Técnico Electromecánico
Reecer6 Defiler of Shops from Crowning Moment Of Awesome Since: Aug, 2009
Defiler of Shops
#571: Sep 14th 2010 at 6:08:04 PM

We need to know our destination!

Soul is ugly.
dmboogie Phones from Snow Country, USA Since: Jul, 2009 Relationship Status: Maxing my social links
#572: Sep 14th 2010 at 6:25:00 PM

Is there babby there?

"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go."
ReDead Mechanoid Soldier Since: Apr, 2010
Mechanoid Soldier
#573: Sep 17th 2010 at 10:36:39 AM


Where are we going?

edited 17th Sep '10 10:37:01 AM by ReDead

(◕ ヮ ◕)ノ
Fusionman I'm Back Bitches (not really) from In a snow-covered wasteland Since: Nov, 2009 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me
I'm Back Bitches (not really)
#574: Sep 17th 2010 at 12:29:53 PM

Well mom says there MIGHT be babies but we're going to the mountains so IDK.

She then takes out a book with mountains and animals. She points to an animal with stripes.

So guys is it a tiger or a zebra?

To Be Updated when I'm not Lazy
Daionusthe23rd Since: Dec, 1969
#575: Sep 17th 2010 at 1:31:38 PM

Tiger? Those show up more often in kids books, I think...

Total posts: 605