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Anyone want to check out my new, ongoing Star Wars Multiverse Fanfic?

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OmniGoat from New York, NY Since: Jul, 2014 Relationship Status: Is that a kind of food?
#1: Jul 24th 2014 at 9:00:48 AM

Okay, I'm currently writing a fanfic called, STAR WARS: Light in Dark Time. I'm currently up to the sixth chapter of the story, and I've enjoyed writing it so far, and there's much more to come.

Here's a sample (chapter 5) if anyone would like to get a feel for my series.

STAR WARS: Light in Dark Time Chapter 5

Jinn Skywalker

Luke stared at the mirror image he saw before him "Jinn Skywalker?" he inquired. The man looked almost exactly like him, except for a scar on the right side of his face, and cold staring eyes...yellow, sith eyes...Jinn noticed Luke studying his features "Yes, I'm real, Luke, you and I are one and the same, we merely...lived different lives". "My name? How-" "Your thoughts betray you, Luke. Yes, I know your friends are here, don't worry, I'll let them escape, I don't need them...not like I need you, Luke" Luke eyed Jinn carefully " For what?" "Haha, you see, when I killed Palpatine I realized, I would need some way to keep unending peace in the galaxy...through any means necessary..." "And that was when he was approached by ME" a voice came booming from behind Luke. Luke turned to see Captain Zorg walking towards him "Zorg..." he growled. "You see, that little device you found, the one that sent you to another dimension? It was of my design, see, when I came here before I had learned of poor Jinn's plight, I decided to help him, and that's where you come in, you see, using your power, along with Jinn's we can create ever lasting peace" Jinn walked towards Zorg, both of them circling Luke "Yes, we can, we can pacify all who stand against us, who seek war and chaos" "Sounds an awful lot like Palpatine" Luke quipped, irking Jinn "I AM NOTHING LIKE PALPATINE, I WILL BE A BENEVOLENT RULER, A GOD!". Luke simply looked down, hand on his saber. Glancing up again, he stared straight into Jinn's glowing yellow eyes "We'll see about that".

Chewbacca fumbled at the controllers, roaring at Ruby to head towards the guns. Ruby sat down in the turret chamber and shouted back at the wookie "TAKE THIS AROUND CHEWIE, I SAY WE GET TO THE THRONE ROOM, BLAST THE EMPEROR SKY HIGH, AND SAVE LUKE!" "GRAOW!" the wookie shouted excitedly. The two left the docking bay, however, mere moments after leaving, a squadron of TIE-Fighters were upon them. The trio of TIEs began blasting on the ship, and with expert precession, Ruby blasted one out of the sky. "HAHA, that'll show them!" she shouted in excitement as she opened fire on the two remaining fighters, however, like vultures descending on a carcass, five other squads began attacking them...

Han, Leia, and Lando raced through the halls, gunning down various storm troopers and guards that tried to attack them "Wait!" Leia shouted, "we need to get Brown and Marty".

"Some plan, Doc, really, why did we even do all this? And I don't even mean the whole guard thing, oh no, I mean ever since back in HILL VALLEY" Marty said as both he and the old man were escorted at gun point down the hallways. "Honestly did you even think this one-" "DUCK!" Doc shouted, knocking Marty down just in time as blaster fire whizzed past them, taking down their storm trooper escorts. Han ran towards the pair as they lay on the floor "Come on, we're getting out of here" "Well, what about Luke" Marty asked, utterly confused "We're on it".

Luke barely had time to draw his weapon before a powerful force push sent him flying across the floor "How dare you prepare to attack me, on MY planet, in MY city, in MY throne room?" Jinn shouted as he drew his own weapon. He activated the lightsaber, a blue blade shot out " father's blade" Luke thought. "Well, how dare you attack and arrest ME and MY friends" Luke shot back, mocking Jinn. Luke then pulled out his own weapon, his self-crafted green blade and sprinted towards Jinn, their sabers met, and the battle was on.

The shuttle spun and weaves through buildings, doing anything to evade the oncoming TIEs. "CHEWIE, GET US AS CLOSE AS YOU CAN TO THAT BUILDING DOWN THERE" Ruby shouted at Chewbacca as the shuttle flew as close as possible to the building, with two TIEs still on them "Rookies..." Ruby thought to herself, "OKAY, BRING US UP HARD, CHEWIE" the shuttle suddenly turned up sharp, avoiding contact with the building, something the two inexperienced TIE-pilots should've have seen coming, "Maybe they did" Ruby thought, "just not fast enough" the shuttle turned to open fire on it's attackers as the two TIEs crashed into the building behind them. As Ruby and Chewbacca sped towards their enemy, blaster fire managed to take care of at least three of the oncoming TIEs. "Come on, we can do this" Ruby urged herself to believe.

Blades clashed, kicks were thrown, slashes were dodged as the two Skywalkers dueled throughout the room. "So, he's a Juyo practitioner, huh? Thought he said he wasn't a Sith, either way, looks like a combination of Soresu and Ataru might do the trick" Luke thought to himself, analyzing his opponent. Jinn attacked Luke with vicious vertical slashes "He can't defend forever" Jinn thought "he'll get angry eventually, he needs the dark side, he won't survive without it" Jinn called on the dark side and began pounding away at Luke's defenses, the longer it took, however the angrier he grew, and Luke could sense that. "Getting mad, eh Jinn? This harder than you thought it'd be?" the dark sider grew in rage, started getting sloppy "An opening" Luke thought to himself, with Jinn leaving himself open, Luke saw his chance to attack, switching to ataru, he flipped into the air, slashing at Jinn from above, Jinn could barely block, smacking Luke's saber away from him with disgust. Luke landed behind him and spun around, Jinn managed to leap above his blade just in time, swinging at Luke's head upon touching the ground. As Luke shot back up having dodged the attack, they locked blades. "So tell me, Jinn, what made you give into the dark side, what's wrong, afraid?" Jinn's eyes burned with rage as he stared back at Luke "I know that the dark side is sought by cowards" Luke shout back. Jinn's furious force shout sent Luke flying to a pillar "I FEAR NOTHING" he yelled at Luke as he began a vicious combination of force and lightsaber attacks, Luke was now entirely on the defense "This is bad" he shouted in his mind "that's the thing about darksiders you never know if they'll get sloppy, or more vicious..."

Zorg stood watching the spectacle in amusement "Hmm..this is interesting he thought, now all that's left is to-" he didn't have time to think before he dodged a blaster sent flying his way. The chiss spun around, blaster in hand to see who shot at him, "Han Solo, of course" he thought, along with Lando Calrissian, and Leia Organa, with two men he did not recognize tagging along. "Not a step closer" he said, pointing his gun at the group. "Yeah, or what" Leia quipped "there's five of us and only one of you" "Oh, you're quite right about that" Zorg began "but what if, I, say, blasted Skywalker back there" he threatened, pointing his blaster in the direction of the two dueling combatants behind him. Leia looked back at the fight, the two almost appeared as a blur. "Yes. You can kill me, but you'd better hope you can do it before I take your friend Skywalker with me" Zorg added. Leia looked at Han, and then back at Luke "Han, drop your weapon "What!?" Han began to protest "JUST DO IT, he'll kill Luke". Han begrudgingly dropped his blaster "As I thought" Zorg gloated.

Luke looked past Jinn for a moment to see Leia, Han, and Lando enter the room, "NO, THEY COULD GET HURT" he thought, starting to panic.

Jinn glanced into Luke's eyes "I notice the glimmer in your eyes" he thought "you see your friends". Jinn used his strength to shove Luke backwards and jumped back himself. "You shouldn't get so easily distracted during a duel" Jinn began "you can get yourself hurt...or even your friends!" "NO" Luke shouted as he leaped at Jinn, unafraid, Jinn shot lightning from his fingertips, sending Luke flying into one of the chamber's pillars. He then pointed his hands toward the group, specifically at Leia "I'm sorry" he silently said to himself as he sent Leia flying towards him, in a split second, his lightsaber stabbed through her abdomen, and he tossed her incapacitated body towards the floor. As Luke stared at Leia's lifeless body, his mind became filled with rage. Han screamed in rage and lunged towards his blast, but to no avail, as Zorg shot him in the shoulder. Luke stared at the ensuing madness before him, and began calling on his anger, he can't let this happen, HE CAN'T! He leaped at Jinn, lightsaber soaring though the air, and attacked him. Slamming his blade down on Jinn's, he left his evil doppelgänger almost defenseless. A force push sent Jinn flying across the room, but before he could even hit the floor, a force pull sent him flying into a pillar. He barely had time to dodge as Luke slashed straight through the pillar. Jinn rolled back on the floor, trying to escape Luke's fury "This is getting out of hand" he panicked. Luke knocked Jinn back onto the ground, and began snarling as he pounded his lightsaber down on Jinn's, however, in his rage, he failed to notice Zorg pointing his blaster at him, and barely managed to move to ensure the hit would be non-fatal. Noticing Luke's distracting wound, Jinn took advantage of the opening and took Luke's right hand, his lightsaber hand.

"CHEWIE, TURN THIS THING AROUND AND HEAD STRAIGHT FOR THE THRONE ROOM" Ruby shouted, her thick ruby-colored hair flying about as Chewbacca began accelerating towards the Emperor's Palace.

Lando and Marty began helping Han up as Doc Brown cowered behind them. Zorg pointed his blaster at the trio and sneered with contempt "This...this is where you die". Lando glanced behind him and noticed something racing towards the window, a ship "Maybe, maybe we'll all die, why don't you peak back there for a minute". Zorg turned around slowly to see the shuttle preparing to ram into the throne room "JINN" he shouted "WATCH OUT" Jinn looked up to just in time to see the shuttle bursting through the window, he shoved Luke out of its path before he darted away, just managing to dodge, the shuttle mere inches from claiming his life. Chewbacca climbed out and roared at Han and the rest of the group. Before they could get to the shuttle, however, Jinn summoned the power of the dark side and forced the shuttle back out from where it came, sending it falling to the streets. He glanced at Luke on the ground trying to stay conscious, he smirked and started towards him "I have you now" he boasted. Before he could reach his prize, however, he sensed a warning in the force, and leapt backwards just in time to see a blue box materialize in front of him. A young man with, what seemed like a crisp Coruscanti accent shouted at Luke and his companions "Everyone, come with me if you want to, well, live!" Jinn activated his weapon, but the strange man simply pulled out a small device that looked strangely similar to the hilt of a lightsaber. The device emitted a faintly electronic sound and reverted the polarity in Jinn's weapon, momentarily deactivating it. The man rushed to Luke and helped him climb into his box, the old man with them immediately rushed in, ignoring the possible danger. With the last two men carrying their injured comrades on board, the man Zorg had shot and the woman Jinn recognized as his sister, respectively. The man finally went back to retrieve Luke's fallen saber, before heading inside himself. As the door closed the box suddenly dematerialized, leaving Jinn and Zorg standing there.

"Skywalker escaped" Zorg said facing Jinn. Jinn looked towards Zorg, before pulling up his sleeve to reveal a metallic wrist brace, adorned with a large gem in the middle. Jinn glanced at the brace, it's gem glowing in a brilliant red hue "it doesn't matter" he began "all is going according to plan...Master will be pleased..."

To Be Continued

So, that was just a sample of my fanfic, you know, I plan on adding a whole lot of other verses to the storyline, it's gonna be epic. Being as I'm a new user, I can't post external links, so, either just look up STAR WARS: Light in Dark Time, or search for Goad on, check it out.

edited 24th Jul '14 9:10:33 AM by OmniGoat

This shall be my true, Start of Darkness
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