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Looking For Some Feedback - The story of god's ex-girlfriends

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Catsoup Since: Aug, 2012
#1: Jun 6th 2011 at 2:56:33 PM

Not sure where to start in terms of specific questions, but I have this idea for an interconnected series of stories that is out of my general venue, even if you include just random idea seeds and outlines one stores haphazardly.

The working title is "The Women In My Life" - which is misleading as its about the women, and not the "my".

A benign but fallible godlike superbeing, who was human not so long ago, wanders the world under many identities and, like anyone else, forms romantic attachments. For love, for comfort, to blend in, out of guilt or sympathy, or simply because it is easy. The countless reasons why people enter into relationships. For someone like him though, none of these entanglements can last. A few weeks, or a few months, later and he must leave. But he's an attentive lover, or tries to be anyway; following his departure each of his ex-girlfriends (and one man) gain supernatural gifts.

Series one would involve A, a female protagonist and wholesome nice girl whose intense and romantic four week relationship with (as he uses many names, let's call him Deus for now) results in something neither of them intended - not long after he departs, she finds out she's pregnant. As she goes through her pregnancy, gives birth, and raises her daughter the rising number of ex lovers causes weird events to go public and the world grows increasingly bizarre. Meanwhile A seems to have no supernatural powers whatsoever, though things have a way of accidentally happening to prevent dangers to her daughter. By the end of season one she realizes its her daughter, not her that has the superpowers - which some day might be the strongest in the entire world, and reflects that it's perhaps the dream of every mother for her daughter to have all the options in the world open to her (implying that what A wished for most in the world was centered around her daughter B, not herself).

Series two would begin with B as a teenage girl, and the world far more changed from 18+ years of supernaturally gifted women meddling with it. Events would conspire for B to go on a long journey and meet new friends, the only other young people who have supernatural gifts -

C: in many ways B's counterpart and designated Love Interest, a confident young man whose supernatural powers (and character flaws) are the result of his doting mother. But whereas B's are the result of her mother's love and desire for her fatherless daughter to not be limited in life (and thus exist independent of mama A), B's are for the benefit of his mother alone and depend on her happiness. The death of his mother would be a tragic revelation of how their relationship was not the healthy mirror of A and B's as everyone thought and would force him to become a Badass Normal.

D: The OTHER male protagonist, making it Two Guys and a Girl (if you forget E). If C is the Lancer to A's female Hero, D is the Archer (a nicer way of saying The Chick, but male). Or, the lancer to C (who already displays most of the qualities of The Lancer, being a longhaired ladies killer who flaunts the rules whereas B is a more steadfast and traditional protagonist). If B is the female version of the knight in shining armor and C is the roguish lancer, D is the mysterious ranger who communes with nature and doesn't get along with people well, but whose emotional depths/sincerity appeals to B more than C's outgoing confidence but internal parental issues. For the first half of the series he'd be the Designated Rival for B's affections, or the other option for her to pick as she's the protagonist and the one who gets to do the choosing and pursuing; the nice guy to C's bad boy; but as the season progresses he'd begin to realize that he's gay. Of course the intense drama actually is deflated at that, as B begins to realize that she doesn't have to choose between anyone if she doesn't want to and is able to rely on D's emotional support as C goes through his mommy issues and depowering. But what was supposed to be a lighthearted and melodrama-defusing coming out story becomes D's Heroic BSOD moment near the climatic part of the series, as he discovers the source of his powers and enigmatic/amnesiac origins - he's that male lover of Deus mentioned earlier, whose emotionally dependent older self used his powers to wipe his own memory and regress to an earlier age so he could have fun and not worry about the One Who Got Away.

E: a young woman who isn't really, one of Deus Exes who made herself young again and roams the world using her powers for kicks and giggles. The three genuine teenagers are a humanizing influence on her, after 18+ years of immortal superpower debauchery she is able to start emotionally growing as a person again thanks to their company and their coming of age sagas.

The main plot arc of Series Two would be the gradual question of whether B's powers really come from her mother A, if as the only known child of Deus his gifting-power automatically bestowed a gift onto his daughter, or whether the reason why her powers are so godlike is not because of her mother's all encompassing love but because, as Deus' daughter, she's a demigod. I'm leaning towards "her mother really did just have purer and stronger emotions guiding the supernatural gift than any of the other exes" myself.

There would also be a Sixth Ranger type add on halfway through the season; F, B's Mr.Right...if it weren't for the fact he's practically her half brother - he was three years old with a single mom when Deus spent six months living with them and became a father figure to him. A bit of a country mouse; simple, straightforward, and kind; he would be the perfect match if it weren't for the fact that he's more interested in finding out about Deus and having an adoptive little sister with a similar childhood experience (he also grew up with powers, the supernatural gift dividing between him and his mother; making him a bit of a jack of all trades between fullpowered D and badass normal after his depowering C).

Complex and convoluted yet; but the world is still not fleshed out. I just don't have much of an idea of what impact a bunch of women who had their desires fulfilled by a grateful ex-lover would have on the world.

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