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YMMV / Veruca Salt

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The line "Well here's another clue if you please/the seether's Louise" from "Volcano Girls" became funnier (or just awkward) after Nina left the band in 1998. Now that she's is back in the band, the line works again.
  • Les Yay: Nina and Louise were very...close, it's almost impossible to find a picture of the two not draped over each other (except maybe the one on this main page), and almost every music video had more than a couple scenes of them dancing or almost kissing, of course it's entirely possible there are other reasons for this, but in the absence of opposing evidence, it's safe to assume this was how they really felt. Sort of explains the sheer acrimony that accompanied the collapse of the first incarnation, as well.
    • From "Salt Flat Epic:"
    I've re-defined the laws of friends
    and what won't happen ever again
    and I will never feel this way about another person
    and I will never feel this way again
    I wanna make you understand
    It's not the drugs and it's definitely not a man
    I'm still afraid but I'm doing the best I can
  • Refrain from Assuming: "All Hail Me" is not called "So Sorry" nor any variants thereof.
