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YMMV / The Vow

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  • Adorkable: Zhan the Wolf Boss. Due to being more used to prejudices and formalities, he becomes awkward when he's related to in a friendly manner by Lianne and Jade.
  • Awesome Music: The author has made in her YouTube profile of Alicia Donovan several videos concerning the fanfic. The songs used in them are chosen well to reflect on Shen and Lianne's strained love. Two of these examples are "It's All Coming Back To Me Now" by CĂ©line Dion (now deleted) and "I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead" from Wildhorn and Murphy's musical version of The Count of Monte Cristo.
  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • Shen, just like in canon, though the woobie part may have been increased with his point of view getting more attention. The woobie part is particularly accentuated during his Villainous BSoD and the inner struggles he undergoes after he cheats death at the cost of being crippled.
    • Whatever you may think of Lord Chang, you have to pity him slightly, for he also seems sad about his wife's death. At one point it's hinted that he was hurt when Lianne said he's no longer her father, but he's unable to break the cycle they have stuck into. His confessions to Lianne in his deathbed significantly lessen the jerkass part and increase the woobie part.
  • Nausea Fuel:
    • The sadistic execution style used by Shen on Haun.
    • Shen hurting himself while trying to practice with his still recently crippled body.
  • The Woobie:
