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YMMV / The Last Night

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  • Awesome Music: The trailer makes excellent use of Lorn's immensely trippy electronic song "Acid Rain".
  • Designated Villain: The target in the prototype. We have no clue what they have done to get on the player's bad side (alternatively, they could just be a target for a hitman), but the game revolves around tracking them down and killing them. It's implied that the target is a rather shady figure, as he's seen with an armed bodyguard who points his weapon at any who come near and is lounging with two women who may or may not be prostitutes.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks!: The prototype is one of the easiest entries submitted to GameJolt's Cyberpunk jam, as the only threat comes from a few weak drones and a Glass Cannon bodyguard and death barely loses you any progress. This is especially notable when compared to the two absolutely Nintendo Hard runner-ups.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks!: The prototype is literally over in a few minutes, while being limited to an Excuse Plot. Most other entries to the jam are about 5-10 times longer, often because of their substantially greater difficulty.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • "The Last Night has been REPLACED." Explanation 
    • The game revived and became associated with a meme known as Milkshake Ducknote  due to some turning against the game after knowledge of older tweets by Tim Soret. Soret later apologized for those tweets, considering them to be embarassing and not representing his current views.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: Pretty much the only thing people remember about the game is Tim Soret's past antifeminism tweets and support of the Gamergate movement, which caused people's anticipation of the game to take a hit. The game is currently in Development Hell.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The combination of pixel art with dynamic lighting and effects results in a gorgeous sight to behold, not unlike Octopath Traveler.
