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YMMV / The Baker Street Dozen

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon: Professor Moriarty, during World War II, has betrayed Britain to side with the Nazis. Murdering a group of scientists who each have a quarter of a genius inventor's new bombsight, Moriarty hunts the inventor down and brutally tortures him for the final piece. When unable to locate the final one, Moriarty takes the chance he has with Holmes in his clutches to try to torture the detective to death by slowly bleeding him "drop by drop". Intending on selling the bombsight to the Nazis, allowing them to level London, Moriarty gloats that he will commit the greatest crime in history, allowing him to profit off the deaths of countless innocents and prove himself superior to Holmes at last.
    • The Scarlet Claw: Alistair Ramson is a petty, cunning, sadistic Serial Killer who terrorizes the Canadian town La Mort Rouge. An actor imprisoned for murdering a love rival, he was believed killed in a prison escape, but in reality survived and sought revenge on not just the actress who spurned him, but also the magistrate who sentenced him and a guard at his prison. Before the film, Ramson killed La Mort Rouge's mailman to steal his identity, and promptly set about killing his targets by tearing their throats out with a garden rake, causing some to die quickly and others over the course of hours by bleeding to death. Using a variety of identities, he dispatches first the actress, then the magistrate, and attempts to kill the investigating Holmes and Watson at every turn. He even kills the prison guard's teenage daughter with the claw when she refused to give up her father, and when lured into a trap by Holmes and the police, makes one last ditch attempt to kill the guard before being killed.
    • The Pearl of Death: Giles Conover is a career criminal and Serial Killer who steals the Borgia pearl and hides it within a bust of Napoleon. Not knowing which bust contains the pearl, Conover traces them to the owners and has them brutally murdered by his brutish subordinate, the Hoxton Creeper, to mask the theft; this victims range from a retired colonel to a harmless old woman who could not have stopped him from simply stealing it. Conover even intends to have his old associate Naomi murdered, freely admitting that the deaths of so many are just as much from his love of killing as from greed.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: The Creeper, to the point that Universal attempted to make an In Name Only spin-off film series to headline their horror films. Unfortunately, they only made two before Rondo Hatton's death.
  • Magnificent Bitch: Sherlock Holmes and the Spider Woman: Adrea Spedding, fittingly described by Holmes as a female Moriarty, is the ringleader behind an Insurance Fraud scheme. Falsely befriending wealthy gamblers who were down on their luck, Spedding tricks them into pawning off their life insurance with accomplices of hers. Then, she would have the deadly spider, Lycosa Carnivora, sneak into their rooms and bite them, collecting the life insurance benefits for her gang. Quickly seeing through Holmes' attempts to spy on her, Spedding subtly causes him and Watson to nearly suffocate to death in their own office buying time for her to pre-emptively destroy a lead before Holmes can follow up on it. When Holmes tails her at a fairground, Spedding allows the detective to tail her to her hideout, only to have the gang ambush him and tie him behind a shooting gallery so that he can be accidentally killed by Watson. Being defeated thanks to luck combined with Holmes' quick thinking, Spedding accepts defeat gracefully before allowing herself to be arrested.
  • Never Live It Down: Nigel Bruce's flanderized portrayal of Dr. Watson as a doddering old buffoon long overshadowed Watson's original characterization in the popular imagination, something that many fans have resented.
  • Stock Footage Failure: Terror by Night is of course a B-grade quickie, set at night and the clips of the Scotch Express are kept intentionally short to build urgency as the train hurtles through the countryside. However it's a fun game trying to spot the type of rolling stock and call whether it's a model or not as the rake changes from clerestory to elliptic roofed stock, then to American Pullman or European Wagon Lits stock judging by the illuminated windows; and sometimes it is traversing bends of such curvature that one suspects the camera was pointed at a toy or department stores' display around Christmas. All this is forgivable as a result, but less so when the train is being flagged away from a station with a west-country sounding name just north of the Scottish border - and the locomotive is clearly German or similar, complete with it's number on a 'license plate' style of thing on the smokebox door. Appropriation from the 1932 movie Rome Express might be to blame.
  • Older than You Think: You think Sherlock was the first adaptation to modernize Holmes? Think again!
