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YMMV / Scott McCloud

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  • Creator Worship
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: According to Scott, Destroy!! was intended to be "nothing but senseless violence from beginning to end" without "plot, characterization, and other distractions". This is actually a good description of Redman. note 
  • Nightmare Fuel: "My Obsession with Chess" is surprisingly terrifying, given its subject matter. There's just something creepy about an obsession slowly consuming someone's life, even if it's an obsession with something as harmless as chess.
    • His "Uninformed Bob" comic strips, about a newspaper comic written and drawn by a cartoonist whose slowly going insane. It goes from funny, to darkly funny, to just plain dark.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not for Kids?: Understanding Comics, Making Comics and Reinventing Comics each have a cartoony, kid-friendly art-style, but all 3 books tackle complex ideas about artistic theory that most people below a certain age would likely find boring and/or overwhelming. Oh, and Understanding Comics has a random picture of a naked clown lady.
    • Much like comedian Bob Saget's stand-up work was more mature than his televised work, McCloud's online comics are noticeably more adult than his printed comics. People only familiar with the latter might be very shocked upon their first visit to his site.
