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YMMV / Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Given the sheer amount of trauma poor Shaymin gets put through at the start of the movie, including getting caught up in Giratina and Dialga's grudge-match, being pulled into the Reverse World, and left helplessly flailing in a river, you have to wonder if its Jerkass behavior is Shaymin's way of coping.
  • Americans Hate Tingle: In Japan, Shaymin is considered one of the best characters in the movie. However, America's point-of-view of it (namely, a smug, selfish and cocky brat) is less than admiring.
  • Creepy Awesome: Giratina, the giant, satanic Dracolich that helps defeat Zero.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Zero's one of the few movie antagonists to get much in the way of a sympathetic backstory, but some fans use it as an excuse for all his actions, up to and including attempting to destroy the world from the Reverse World.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Many fans agree that Regigigas has one of the best scenes in the movie. It's very deep, imposing, and awesome cry helps.
  • Fashion-Victim Villain: No-one would hold it against you if, upon looking at Zero's design and that of his ridiculous jumpsuit, you thought it was someone's Giratina gijinka fanart ripped from DeviantArt.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: After accusations from Moral Guardians that Pokemon encourages children to worship the devil, there's some irony to be had in Ash and friends befriending (what's generally assumed to be) the Pokemon equivalent to Satan.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Shaymin is entitled and self-centered, but it gets put through the ringer with the amount of traumatic situations it goes through.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Do not piss off Giratina, for it will stalk you...and then drag you into its twisted screwed up world and try to kill you.
    • In the manga version, it is implied that Zero dies when the Mecha Giratina is frozen in the glacier; becomes kind of a Tear Jerker when you realized Newton has disappeared after Ash returns from the reverse world...
    • The pictures of the town getting crushed by the glacier.
    • The Reverse World itself is this. Breaking something there causes far greater destruction in the real world, to the point that popping a bubble in the Reverse World causes a small explosion in the corresponding location. Breaking some ice pillars caused part of a glacier to break off and nearly destroy a town. Now imagine if someone like Cyrus or Lysandre or Ghetsis were to find their way in...
  • Paranoia Fuel: Beware of mirrors, or else an Eldritch Abomination will get you.
  • Special Effect Failure: The CG on Zero's mecha, much like Celebi's twig golem, is painfully obvious against everything else.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Dialga only appears at the beginning and end of the film, playing little direct part in the middle. Palkia gets it even worse, as it doesn’t appear beyond flashbacks of the previous movie. Considering the two are supposed to be major characters in a trilogy, it’s rather jarring.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Despite being the second in the Sinnoh dragons trilogy, everything after the first half of the story but before the ending is practically another standalone Pokemon movie. As a result, the film can feel disconnected from its previous installment.
