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YMMV / Night Moves

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: At one point, Harry compares his friend's statue to Alex Karras. His wife Ellen is played by Susan Clark, who had already co-starred with Karras in a TV movie the same year, then later married him, and co-starred with him again on the show Webster.
  • Memetic Mutation: The famous Rohmer line has inspired some imitators.
  • Stoic Woobie: Harry. The difficulties in his marriage seem to mainly come from him being emotionally closed-off and uncommunicative. When he finds out about Ellen's affair and confronts her lover, she seems genuinely hurt that he didn't confront her. Later on, he tells her that, rather than tracking down his Disappeared Dad and spending a week visiting with him, he tracked him down but never spoke to him. He just watched him reading the newspaper in a park, and left. She doesn't understand this, and he's unable to articulate his feelings, but it's clear that deep down he has a lot of pain to work through.
