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YMMV / Lady and the Tramp

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  • Accidental Innuendo: "I wonder what the leash and collar set do for excitement?"
  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Aunt Sarah, especially to people who aren't dog lovers. It is possible that Sarah is just prejudiced against dogs and doesn't like them. It is also possible that Sarah didn't want to allow any animals near the baby, since she did leave her cats downstairs (although she brings them upstairs with her after their Wounded Gazelle Gambit). Though many would still call it an overreaction to see a small family dog wag its tail and angrily chase it out of the room as if it was a rodent.
    • The alligator in the zoo. Trying to eat Lady, or trying to help remove the muzzle and simply not realising his mouth was too big?
    • The rat gets this too, to a much lesser extent. Was it truly trying to kill the baby, or was it only focused on using the house as a shelter? Though if you pay attention in its fight with Tramp, the rat at some point prepares to jump into the baby's crib.
    • The three vicious street dogs and the reason why they chase Lady. They don't like trespassers in their territory? They used to be guard or police dogs before becoming stray so anyone which they see as an intruder can set them off? Or, it's likely Lady was in heat at the time, given the Babies Ever After ending and the fact that the puppies seem to have been conceived during that night's adventures with Tramp...
  • Applicability: Jim Dear and Darling having a baby and its effects on Lady. Children whose parents are expecting can relate to Lady, as they would have similar fears about a new sibling getting more attention. In fact, a Disney educational short film in which these situations are compared was released in The '70s.
  • Awesome Music:
    • "The Siamese Cat Song". Its portrayal of the Siamese cats is rather... dated to say the least, but the song is still well sung and perfectly captures the sneaky and mischievous nature of Lady’s new guests.
    • "He's a Tramp" and "Bella Notte", too.
  • Designated Villain:
    • The dog catcher is perhaps the least evil of the Big Bad Ensemble; his job is to find dogs and put them in his pound to await pickup, but the film generally portrays him as antagonistic for this, particularly when he agrees to have Tramp put to sleep.
    • Though she may be particularly harsh towards Lady and the Tramp, Aunt Sarah does what she does out of concern for others, particularly for her cats (who get Lady muzzled with a Wounded Gazelle Gambit) and for Darling's child. Plus, she hates runaways (and also, it would seem, strays), to the point of chaining Lady to the backyard doghouse to teach her a lesson, and around the time she arranges for Tramp's euthanasia, she is only aware of two things as far as the surrounding circumstances were concerned: one, that the child's life was in danger, and two, that two dogs, one of them a stray, were at the scene.
  • Ethnic Scrappy: The infamous Siamese Cat duo. On top of being villains with Yellow Peril undertones, their Ethnic Scrappy status manifests itself in their buck teeth and the annoyingly terrible grammar during their song.
  • Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales: The film is full of National Stereotypes from Irish cops to Mexican chihuahuas, yet all kinds of people enjoy watching it. Being one of Disney's first ventures into real diversity, it's pretty Fair for Its Day.
    • Despite the characters being criticized for being Oriental stereotypes, there are plenty of actual Asians of Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese descent who enjoy Si and Am and their Villain Song.
    • Likewise, many Italians and Italian-Americans love Tony and Joe for their kindness towards the titular characters and their genuinely funny banter.
  • Moe: Lady as a puppy. She's absolutely adorable. Likewise, the puppies she and Tramp have at the end of the movie are just as cute as she is when she was a puppy.
  • Narm: When the rat is bitten by Tramp the first time, it squeaks like a chew toy. (It squeaks normally every other time, not even close to narmy.)
  • Narm Charm: Two dogs share a romantic dinner with "kissing", accompanied by an Award-Bait Song. It's the famous Signature Scene of the film for a reason, as people adored it.
  • Nightmare Retardant: If one has watched Peter Pan, the scene where Tramp tries talking an alligator into removing Lady's muzzle can be this. The alligator shares his biting sound effect with Tick-Tock the Crocodile's.
  • One-Scene Wonder:
    • All the dogs at the pound (save for Peg and Bull, who appear in one other scene early on).
    • Si and Am, the two Siamese cats Aunt Sarah brings, pretty much only appear in their introduction and yet that one scene is one of the film's most known. Sometimes they even appear on the home video cover.
    • Surely, the beaver counts as well, since, despite only appearing once, he still has a fairly significant role, and is very helpful and friendly. It also helps that he was the basis for Gopher.
    • The Hyena in the Zoo, which got a fair amount of recognition in later years from Crash Bandicoot fans due to being the source of the crazy laugh used by long-time series villain Ripper Roo.
  • Popular with Furries: Lady and Tramp themselves have quite a considerable amount of furry fans. Peg also has a few.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Boris, the philosophy-quoting Russian dog, would later be heard as Fred Flintstone.
  • Signature Scene: The Spaghetti Kiss.
  • Sweet Dreams Fuel: The opening sequence with Lady as a puppy. She's so adorable!
  • Tear Dryer: Trusty surviving the accident with the dogcatcher's wagon, albeit with his leg bandaged up.
  • Theme Pairing: Duchess from The Aristocats and Lady are shipped together because both are fancy, lady-like, and easygoing Uptown Girls whose canonical love interests are "Tramps". It helps that give or take a year, both their movies take place in the same time period.
  • Values Dissonance:
    • The portrayal of the two Siamese cats, which is steeped in Yellow Peril iconography. It's no wonder that the live-action remake changes them into Devon Rexes and gives them a new song, much to the anger of fans who liked the duo.
    • The word "tramp" has changed its main colloquial meaning in the United States since the movie was made, with its modern connotation being aimed at women and decidedly less family-friendly. It's unlikely the word "tramp" would ever appear in a modern Disney animated movie unless it was specifically referencing this film. It makes the fact that there's an entire song about it Hilarious in Hindsight.
  • Woolseyism: When Lady is upset about Jim Dear having referred to her as "that dog", the word they use in the Norwegian dub is more of a slang word for dog ("bikkja") making her shock even more understandable.
