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YMMV / Kingpin

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  • Awesome Ego: Ernie is a shady piece of shit and quite the con man, but he is also a really good bowler. He even wins the final match against Roy during the film's climax.
  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: After Claudia leaves with the money, Roy and Ishmael are having a drink. The Gambler from earlier in the movie (played by Chris Elliott) offers to give them a million dollars if they have sex with each other. We then cut to Ismael miserably downing alcohol on the bed while Roy gleefully showers himself in money, implying they did just that... only for it to have been an Imagine Spot that Roy was having. The Gambler never appears again, with it being implied that Roy had imagined him, and the entire scene serves no purpose outside of referencing another film that Woody Harrelson was in.
