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YMMV / It's a Good Life

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Your Mileage May Vary? No, these are good tropes. Very good tropes!

  • Adaptation Displacement: The short story is sometimes forgotten especially among people who saw the television episode first.
  • Cult Classic: Generally regarded as a very creepy story that increased further by being used on The Twilight Zone (1959).
  • Genius Bonus: The emphasis on the word "good", the near-dictatorial control Anthony holds over his town, the censorship of art and promotion of values he finds "good" could easily be connected to dictators of the twentieth century - but upon further reexamination, these are details that also line up with Plato's ideal society as described by him in The Republic.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • A telepathic boy with omnipotent powers of changing people who he doesn't like into grotesque parodies of themselves.
    • One day, a group of townspeople decided to kill Anthony, so they waited for him to come home from the grove that he likes. Since they either didn't know they had to hide their thoughts or didn't care, Anthony detected them and wished them all away. After that, no one bothered trying to assassinate him again.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not Political?: A story about a tyrant in an isolated country with authoritarian superpowers, constantly mismanaging his kingdom and incapable of understanding what his subjects want, while he uses fear and executions (wrapped in comforting lies) to cow those wiser and less fortunate than him into constantly lying that everything is perfect and right in the universe. The people in this country are scared stupid and don't off him because they're not sure what will happen if they do. The people outside of this country, for all intents and purposes, may as well not exist at all.
