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YMMV / Hazredous Interruptions

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  • Broken Base: The release of Chapter 38 caused significant backlash, to the point that the thread on had to be locked after a few days. The main points of contention appear to be:
    • The lack of reaction of almost everyone to both Salem's existence and her declarations at the summit, with the TSAB apparently justifying her previous actions by virtue of necessity or justified fear of the Belkans, and the only result of her speech being Ozpin losing credibility in front of the other leaders. Many are concerned these actions paint Salem as a Karma Houdini, and that, despite the meeting of all Remnant's leaders being hyped in the previous chapters, they're all almost non-entities during these events.
    • Salem hacking Raising Heart, with the latter being revealed as an Al-Hazredian device. Some feel Salem having access codes to a backdoor on Raising Heart is contrived with other also remarking that the other characters showed little reaction to a potentially threatening move on Salem's part.
    • Related to the above, Nanoha being deprived of her clearance due to the aforementioned event in order to prevent potential security breaches. Some are offended by Nanoha being Demoted to Extra in a crossover with her own franchise, while others argue that Nanoha was always meant to be more of a Supporting Protagonist in a similar vein to StrikerS.
