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YMMV / Hatari!

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  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Naturally, the whole evening after the crew has been drinking. Highlights include Sean directing Pockets to his room (which ends in what sounds like Pockets crashing into a trash can), Sean trying to comprehend Dallas being in his bed, and both Pockets and Kurt stepping in and trying to talk to Sean before taking notice of Dallas.
    • Pockets naturally attracts these, being particularly eccentric and a bane to Sean's stoicism.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Pockets and Dallas' friendship, especially when Pockets tries to cheer her up after Sean upsets her.
  • Hollywood Homely: At one point, Kurt says that Dallas isn't very attractive, which is a bit hard to swallow given that Elsa Martinelli is a former fashion model. In all fairness, it only seems to be Kurt who has this opinion, and he might have just said it to push Sean's buttons.
  • Moment of Awesome: John Wayne and crew chasing down and capturing a rhino. No stuntmen, no special effects: just Wayne and the other actors really chasing down and capturing a real wild rhinoceros. Good lord!
  • Signature Song: Henry Mancini's "Baby Elephant Walk".
  • Values Dissonance:
    • The protagonists catch wild animals to be sold at zoos and circuses, completely legally. Nowadays, most of the animals they're catching are endangered and managed under strict conservation programs, while zoos use breeding programs. The methods they use to catch them are also outdated and would be considered animal cruelty by today's standards. Had the film been made today, they probably would have been the villains or in a different line of work.
    • They're also pretty flippant about drunk driving.
    • Smoking too, as all eight are seen with cigarettes throughout the film. There's even a line of dialog about gifting the local tribe a pack of Sean's for their help with Pockets' Rocket.
