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YMMV / Edgedancer

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  • Fridge Brilliance: The Edgedancers are noted in ancient texts as being exceptionally eloquent and well-spoken, yet Lift has some definite grammar problems and can be rather crass. However, she instantly catches on the Yeddaw street urchin dialect, and then is unusually eloquent and almost ceremonial when talking to Nale. Could it be, now, that much like Shallan gets eidetic memory and Renarin gets future-sight as a side effect of their Surges, Edgedancers like Lift get the perk of being instantly able to match their style of speech to their conversation partner? That would certainly explain why the scholars thought the Edgedancers to be the most elegant and eloquent of all Radiants.
    • Remember how Szeth's sword-nimi didn't want to kill Lift because it thought she was "funny"? With evidence from Warbreaker, and Lift's distinct nausea before Szeth found her, this probably meant that Nightblood tried to feed off her, in an attempt to foster thoughts that it had decided were "evil." And found none, which is why it didn't want to destroy her.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Thirteen-year-old Lift claiming to still be ten in Words of Radiance because any number higher than ten is 'unlucky' seemed like a silly joke at the time, but turns out to be related to her incorrectly believing that the Nightwatcher had made her ageless and unchanging.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The epigraph that praises Edgedancers' oratory skills gets much funnier once the abovementioned Fridge Brilliance settles in; it's a fair bet that after the highbrow scholars left, awed by what they saw, the Radiants started exchanging dirty jokes with the stablehands.
  • Paranoia Fuel: A Sleepless is a sentient entity spread out across hundreds of cremlings, most common creatures on Roshar, and they're very interested in the going-ons of the newfangled Radiants. It's like realizing that every fly you see might be a spy. They do seem to be on the side of good, but it's still pretty creepy.
    • A number of scenes in the previous books - as well as Oathbringer - involve the main characters specifically noticing a cremling. Most memorably, when Mraize shoots one with a blowgun dart. The Sleepless are watching.
