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YMMV / Ed Edd N Eddy S 3 E 21 Brother Can You Spare An Ed

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  • Accidental Aesop:
    • If someone is noted for being unreliable or easily swayed by others in the past, it's probably best to not entrust them with an important task.
    • Don't take advantage of your friends for monetary gain. Even if they don't abandon you for it, you can expect them to pay you back in full.
  • Catharsis Factor: Okay, so maybe they had to turn him into the worst caricature of his usual greedy self to make it happen, but you can't say this isn't one time where Eddy unequivocally earned his ass-whooping at the end.
  • Funny Moments: Double D's reaction to Eddy explaining what Jonny will get from their wedgie scam:
    Jonny: "What's the catch?"
    Eddy: "Catch? Um...catch! Whatever falls out, and it's yours to keep! That's how piñatas work, Jonny-boy."
    Double D: "Piñatas?!"
    • Jonny hits Double D first and only gets one of his shoes. ("Boring!") He then hits Ed, and is buried in a pile of filth and random stuff hiding in Ed's person. He takes the coconut bra Ed was wearing earlier, which he mistakes for earmuffs.
      • Later, we see Ed putting the filth back in his coat.
  • Fridge Brilliance: It would be considered completely out of character by quite a few that Rolf, Nazz and Jonny, of all people, show up to cruelly hit Eddy against the tree branch at the end, until you consider the fact that they were probably told by Sarah, Jimmy or Edd about the crap Eddy tried to pull and wanted to make Eddy pay.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Fans tend to feel sorry for Eddy for his karmic retribution at the end of the episode, while ignoring the fact that Eddy wouldn't have gotten the retribution had he not pestered Ed to buy jawbreakers. They argue that Sarah shouldn't have trusted Ed with her money and that the whole episode was her fault. While Sarah could've picked a better person to entrust her money to, Ed has actually been shown to be fairly responsible when it comes to caring about her. Not only was he more than happy to do the favor for her, but he refused to even let Eddy hold the money. Only Eddy's constant pestering made him give in, and he was extremely apologetic about giving in. Regardless of how you feel about Sarah, it's unfair to demonize her for her (for once) justified anger towards Ed and Eddy spending her allowance money for themselves when she is, again, for once, not looking to cause the Eds trouble and actually made a reasonable request in the episode. It was Eddy who set the plot in motion with his greed and selfishness. There's also the fact that even after the Eds agreed to pay Sarah back, Eddy mistreated his friends in the process by making them butt monkeys of wedgee and pinata scams. Eddy was also attempting to keep the earned money for the scams for himself, rather than to pay Sarah back. Heck, even Edd mentioned that it was Eddy's fault that they even had to come up with ways to pay Sarah back in the first place. Really, episodes like this show that Eddy and Sarah no better than each other, and the only reason fans give Eddy so much leeway is that’s he one of the three main characters.
  • Moment of Awesome: Ed and Double D turning the tables on Eddy was pretty awesome, but the real clincher is just how profitable the scam they subjected him to is.
    Rolf: (drops a huge sack of "pennies"—actually quarters—on top of Ed to pay for his turn) "Rolf would like this many goes at the Ed-boy!"
    Eddy: "You gotta be kidding me!"
  • Wangst: Double D ends up feeling incredibly guilt-ridden for enjoying one of the jawbreakers once Eddy force-feeds him it. The jawbreaker was already bought (and in his mouth), though, so it wasn't like Double D was doing anything wrong just by savoring the taste of the jawbreaker. Granted, this is to be somewhat expected of him, considering that this is Double D we're talking about.
