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YMMV / Doctor Who S3 E6 "The Ark"

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  • Signature Scene: The cliffhanger at the end of Episode Two, in which the Doctor, Steven and Dodo arrive back at the foot of the statue and realise it is now finished, then the camera slowly tilts upwards to reveal that it has the head of a Monoid.
  • Special Effects Failure: The Monoids - creatures with long shaggy hair and a single eye, represented by the actor holding a small ball in their mouth - were criticised contemporarily for looking dodgy even by the usual standards of Doctor Who. The eye-mouth idea is quite effective thanks to the disturbingly lifelike way the actors manipulate the eyeball with their tongues and 'blink' their lips, but the suits are ill-fitting (one slightly overweight Monoid strains at his) and interfere with the actors's movement, making them look lumbering and stupid. The story also features some truly awful Miniature Effects (usually something consistently done quite well), such as a landing spaceship in Forced Perspective so extreme that it makes it blurry, and the scenes of the Monoids' obviously very light statue being lifted, launched out onto some paper cutouts of space and then exploded with a Jump Cut to some stock footage of an explosion.
  • Stock Footage Failure: Subverted. The story starts with a bunch of shots of live animals framed and filmed in a way to resemble stock footage, having Dodo point out an elephant by cutting between a shot of the elephant alone in the frame and Dodo looking at it from the reverse angle... and then walking forward, into the frame with the elephant and touching it.
